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Non Medical Prescribing

From 1st September 2017, Non-Medical Prescribers requiring an HS21 prescription pad must apply to BSO for a cipher number using the application forms below. Please ensure that you select the appropriate form for your employment type.  Amendments to personal details or to deactivate/reactivate of a cipher should also be notified to BSO using the appropriate amendment form below.

The cipher application process (CPM) should only be used for groups of staff for whom there are existing prescribing arrangements and budgets in place.  New service models outside existing arrangements will require formal approval from SPPG prior to requesting cipher numbers.  It should also be noted that it is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that appropriate governance arrangements are in place for the registration of NMPs and to make BSO aware of any changes to NMP or approver status.

Please note that with the exception of form ‘NMPP3’ for Optometrists, these forms will only be accessible from an HSC registered computer.

FAQs and Process Flow Charts can be found on the Primary Care Intranet

Non-Medical Prescribers employed by GP Practices

NMPP1– Practice cipher application

This form is for a Non-Medical Prescriber, who is GP Practice employed and requires HS21 prescriptions to fulfil their prescribing obligations, to apply for a cipher number.


NMPP2 – Practice NMP amendment

This form should be used to:

1.       To ‘off list’ a non-medical prescriber who has left employment of GP Practice/ Ophthalmic Practice
This action will invalidate the cipher number so that prescription pads can no longer be issued and any prescribing activity will subsequently be declined and investigated. Please ensure any remaining prescription forms are destroyed as per your prescription security policy.
NB: It is the responsibility of the employer to notify the BSO of any contract changes

2.     To edit personal details

Non-Medical Prescribers employed by HSC Trusts

NMPT1 – Trust cipher application

This form should be used by Trust employed Non-Medical Prescribers who will require an HS21 prescription pad in order to fulfil their duties. These prescribers must work in the community.

NMPT2 – Trust NMP amendment.

This form should be used to:

1.    To ‘off list’ a Non-Medical Prescriber (deactivate a cipher number)
This action will invalidate the cipher number so that prescription pads can no longer be issued and any prescribing activity will subsequently be declined and investigated. Please ensure any remaining prescription forms are destroyed as per your prescription security policy.  A separate form must be completed for each cipher number being off listed.
NB: It is the responsibility of the employer to notify the BSO of any prescriber changes.

2.   To edit personal details

3.    To change the  ‘prescriber type’

Non-Medical Prescribers – Optometrists

Process for applying for a NMP cipher

NMPP3 – Optometrist NMP – Application for cipher number

If you are unable to access this link please contact Andrew Gregg in the SPPG on telephone number (028) 9536 2084.

This form is for Optometrist Non-Medical Prescribers, who will require HS21 prescriptions in order to fulfil their prescribing obligations, to apply for a cipher number. The applicant must be working in a primary care setting (Ophthalmic practice).

NB: Locum Optometrists can only have one cipher number so should apply for a number for the Ophthalmic practice in which they work most frequently

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