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Secure Remote Access

The Honest Broker Service works on a “Data Access”, rather than “Data Dissemination” model. We do not send datasets to institu­tions for them to access data on their own networks. We have established an Honest Broker Service tenancy of the Secure e-Research Platform, this is based on a collaboration agreement between the HSC Business Services Organisa­tion, Queen’s University Belfast, who act as funders, and Swansea Universi­ty, who provide the infrastructure as a service.

This allows researchers to access their project data remotely, from home, or work in a secure, controlled environ­ment. Throughout the life of each project we follow the 5 SAFES framework. When a researcher has completed a piece of work they can submit an output request and the Honest Broker Service will check the output to make sure that people cannot be re-identified before it can be removed from the environment.

Features of SeRP:

  • Secure Remote Access based on Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
  • Access to the de-identified datasets for your approved project
  • Access to a collaborative workspace with analytical tools
  • A secure airlock for submitting code into the system and output requests
  • Unlocking Health Insights, Safeguarding Privacy

Analytical tools available:

  • Microsoft Excel
  • R Studio
  • Python
  • SPSS