Click on the relevant form to download and print.
Forms should be fully completed including signatures. Note: A form may be returned to you if it is not completed correctly and authorised by a relevant party within your practice (GP / Practice Manager etc.)
Forms can be returned by email to or by post using the contact details below.
(Note: Email return is our current preference)
FPS GP Payments – Access Request Form (v1.6)
To be completed to:
- Set up any new user accounts (For access to FPPS GP Payments/HSCNI Email) at your practice.
Add access to additional GP surgeries for any existing FPPS GP Payments user accounts.
FPS GP Payments – Removal Request Form (v1.4)
To be completed to:
Remove access to the practices’ FPPS GP Payments application for a specific staff member. For example: If a staff member has left, retired or moved to another surgery and no-longer requires access.
Close a staff members HSCNI Email account that has left, retired or moved to another surgery and no-longer required access to this specific mailbox.
Please note BSO cannot remove a user’s access until this form has been received.
Failure to return this form will mean that former surgery staff members could potentially continue to access the Practices’ FPPS GP Payments application, view Payment Reports and / or submit Payment Claims despite no longer working there.
It is advised that you follow up with the eBusiness team to confirm receipt of this form in case it is lost in the post or sent to the wrong email address.
It is ultimately the responsibility of the GP practice to return the removal form to the eBusiness team to ensure former staff member accounts have their access removed appropriately.
Contact details for return of forms
Postal Address:
eBusiness Team
2nd Floor
Business Services Organisation
2 Franklin Street