The Procurement and Logistics Service manages the procurement of Goods and Services for Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Bodies i.e. Trusts, Board and Agencies.
These bodies are listed below:
- Belfast Health and Social Care Trust (BHSCT)
- Southern Health and Social Care Trust (SHSCT)
- Northern Health and Social Care Trust (NHSCT)
- South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (SEHSCT)
- Western Health and Social Care Trust (WHSCT)
- NI Ambulance Service (NIAS)
- NI Blood Transfusion (NIBTS)
- Business Services Organisation (BSO)
- DOH/HSCNI Strategic Planning and Performance Group (SPPG)
- Public Health Agency (PHA)
- Children’s Court Guardian Agency for Northern Ireland (CCGANI)
- Northern Ireland Medical and Dentist Training Agency (NIMDTA)
- Patient Client Council (PCC)
- Northern Ireland Patient Client Council (NIPEC)
- Regulation Quality and Improvement Agency (RQIA)