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BSO Interpreting Service

The Business Services Organisation (BSO) Interpreting Service is commissioned by the Department of Health/SPPG to provide foreign language interpreting support to Health and Social Care (HSC) providers in Northern Ireland (NI).  The main aim of the Service is to improve access to HSC Services for Patients who do not speak English proficiently. HSC Interpreting is demand-led and requests vary according to the needs of Patients/Service Users. Providing an Interpreter:

  • ensures clear, accurate and impartial communication
  • assists HSC Services to provide a responsive service
  • minimises risk of misdiagnosis, misunderstanding and non-consent; reduces times/costs associated with repeat appointments, prolonged appointments, unnecessary admission to hospital;
  • complies with legislative requirements: Race Relations (NI) Order 1997; Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998

BSO manages a central approved register of over 460 trained, self-employed, community Interpreters covering a range of 35 different languages.  Registered Interpreters adhere to the BSO Terms of Engagement for Interpreters in all aspects of their interpreter engagement.

BSO Interpreting Service registration criteria requires  Interpreters to hold an Interpreting Qualification (OCN Level 4 Community Interpreting minimum or equivalent) before they can apply to register as a Health Interpreter. OCN Level 4 is currently delivered via DIVERSITY NI (028 9047 3737) and FLEX Language Services (028 9072 7878). There is a cost associated with undertaking this training.

OCN Level 4 Trained Applicants can then apply to join the waiting list for the BSO Interpreting Service by emailing to request an application pack. Shortlisted Applicants must undertake a mandatory 5 day BSO Interpreter Induction course, in addition to police/right to work/reference checks etc.


The BSO website uses ReachDeck (formerly Browsealoud) to read aloud and translate the web pages. It helps those whose first language is not English to access the information on the site. ReachDeck can also be used to translate web pages into a number of languages and speaks the translated text where there is a matching voice available (spoken languages are listed first in the drop down menu). Languages are listed alphabetically by the translated language (followed by English, if using an up-to-date browser).

  • Contact Us

    BSO Interpreting Service

    2 Franklin Street


    BT2 8DQ

    Hours of Operation:

    Monday – Friday : 9am -5pm

    Telephone: 028 95363777

    Out of Hours Telephone: 028 96158200

    General Enquiries –