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Who We Are

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Procurement and Logistics Service, commonly known as PaLS, is the sole provider of professional procurement and logistics services to all public Health and Social Care (HSC) organisations in Northern Ireland (NI). It is a recognised Centre of Procurement Expertise (CoPE) established under the Northern Ireland Public Procurement Policy as approved by the Northern Ireland Assembly.  

Currently employing staff on sites throughout NI, PaLS has an operating budget of about £18m per annum.  PaLS influences approximately £1.3bn of goods and services spend per annum on behalf of HSC. PaLS is committed to delivery of value for money services based on processes that are quality assured and certified by NQA with ISO 9001 2008 for all services. In addition, PaLS holds the Mark of Excellence in EFQM´s Steps to Excellence.

Procurement is split into two main functions.  One function lets and manages circa 3,500 contracts across a wide range of HSC goods and services. Contracts are arranged to optimize value for money for goods and services within the HSCNI, to ensure probity and to minimise resources used in the contracting process. Procurement and Logistics Service is required to comply with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 for contracts over a designated monetary threshold. The second function provides localised support to HSC organisations, providing advice and guidance as well as processing of circa 0.3m manual transactions for all HSC organisations. In addition, our Capital Equipping team has responsibility for the procurement of all equipment relating to capital schemes (both “new-build” and refurbishments).

Logistics handles over 1.5 million transactions on behalf of HSC organisations each year at an approximate value of £120 million. With distribution centres in Belfast, Carrick and Derry/Londonderry and Lisburn, we deliver almost 3,000 different products directly to our clients in wards and HSC departments across Northern Ireland.