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Procurement Act 2023

The Cabinet Office has now released its first phase of the L&D offering, “The knowledge drops“, for the Procurement Act 2023

The Knowledge Drops comprise of a series of on-demand videos designed to provide a high level overview of the changes to the procurement regulations and are aimed at those who have regular interactions with procurement and would need some material level of understanding of the new legislation.

The Knowledge Drops will also be a useful introduction to procurement for commercial professionals who will go on to complete the more in-depth L&D products.

There are separate Knowledge Drops for:

  • Contracting authorities: 45 minutes in total, broken down into 6 smaller sections.
  • Suppliers: 45 minutes in total, broken down into 3 smaller sections.
  • VCSE and SME suppliers: 45 minutes in total, broken down into 3 smaller sections.
  • Additionally there are accompanying fact sheets that outline the specific differences for Wales, Northern Ireland, utilities, light touch, defense and security, concessions and schools.

CPD will issue this update and access to the link for the knowledge drops to suppliers via eTendersNI and the Heads of Procurement Group

You can view and access all the Knowledge Drops and factsheets on a dedicated page on the Transforming Public Procurement webpages: The Official Transforming Public Procurement Knowledge Drops – GOV.UK (