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Northern Ireland Primary Medical Performers List (PMPL)

The Northern Ireland Primary Medical Performers List (PMPL) is a list that all doctors need to be included in to work as a General Practitioner (GP) in Northern Ireland. The requirements for entry to the list are similar to the National performers List in England and Wales, and doctors are able to be included on both lists.

The list is governed by the Primary Medical Services Performers Lists Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2004.

Download Northern Ireland Primary Medical Performers List 

Apply for Inclusion in the Northern Ireland Performers List

Online Performers List Application eForm

Performers List application form (PDF) 

Performers List application form (DOC) 

Privacy Notice

Protecting and using your information: Information for applicants to the Northern Ireland Performers List


** Induction and Refresher scheme – Please contact for further information

Attribution Statement

Any party who processes (i.e. copies, publishes, adapts or otherwise uses in any means) the data provided by the Business Services Organisation on this website, covered by the Open Government Licence (OGL), is required to acknowledge the Business Services Organisation as the source of the data in any such processes.