Request a new Medical Card/Report Change of Address
To report a change of address or request a new medical card, please use the instructions below.
If you are currently registered with a GP Practice
Complete the Online form – Change of address or request a new medical card
Please download and print out this form and send it to Business Services Organisation (Medical Directorate), 2 Franklin Street, Belfast BT2 8DQ.
The forms above are for Northern Ireland residents only who are currently registered with a GP practice.
If you are NOT currently registered with a GP Practice
If you need to register with a GP, please complete a HS200 (or a HSCR-1 if registering from outside the UK) and bring along to your chosen practice. Forms HS200 and HSCR-1 are also available at GP Practices.
This is an automated system, and all requests will be processed in English. If you require your medical card in another language, please contact the BSO on the following number 0300 555 0113 where you will be advised on how to make your request.
Access & Entitlement to NHS Services
In order to register with a doctor and obtain a medical card you need to fill in an application form. This form is called an HSCR-1. It is available in a range of other languages. Please click on the respective links below to download the form in translation. The form should be presented to a doctor of your choice in the area in which you reside. This form is also available in any doctors’ surgery.
HSCR-1 (English) | |
HSCR-1 (Arabic) | |
HSCR-1 (Bulgarian) | |
HSCR-1 (Hungarian) | |
HSCR-1 (Lithuanian) | |
HSCR-1 (Mandarin) | |
HSCR-1 (Polish) | |
HSCR-1 (Portuguese) | |
HSCR-1 (Romanian) | |
HSCR-1 (Slovak) | |
HSCR-1 (Tetum) |
Want To Change Your Doctor?
You can change doctor without giving a reason or without the consent of your present doctor.
You need to complete your medical card or fill out the application below and take it to the doctor of your choice for signature.
If you have lost your medical card you can apply to BSO for a replacement.
For an application form to change your doctor Click here
Request a name change
In order to change your name on your medical card and in your doctors’ surgery please complete the relevant form below and return it to the BSO with appropriate documentation.
GMF 153 Adult Name Change Form
GMF 154 Child Name Change Form
Find Your Nearest GP
You can search for your nearest Medical Practice and other front line health services on NIDirect – Find a GP practice.
FAQ’s for patients
Please find a list of FAQ’s for patients here
Authorisation to Remain (ATR) Letter
Authorisation to Remain Letter
Patient Guide to Entitlement and Lawfulness