Counter Fraud and Probity Services (CFPS) provides a range of specialist services to Health and Social Care (HSC) bodies.
Counter Fraud Services provide a comprehensive counter fraud service through the prevention, detection and investigation of fraud, corruption and other financial irregularities against Health and Social Care Northern Ireland.
Services including preventing and detecting fraud both inside the HSC and beyond, coordinating awareness campaigns and leading investigations.
To report a suspicion of fraud call the HSC Fraud Hotline on 0800 069 33 69 or report online.
More information on Counter Fraud Services can be found here.
Probity Services deliver a range of technical verification and assurance activities to the Strategic Planning and Performance Group (SPPG) in relation to Family Practitioner Service (FPS) expenditure each year.
Information on post payment verification checks.
Information on entitlement to claim help with health service dental and ophthalmic charges.
With Healthy Start, qualifying beneficiaries can receive free vouchers every week to spend on milk, plain fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables, and infant formula milk.
More information on Probity Services can be found here.