Human Resources and Corporate Services supports BSO and its customer organisations in their transformation and modernisation agendas by providing expert HR and Corporate Services support, leading on engagement with Trade Union partners and enabling a positive employee experience.
The Directorate of People and Place is responsible for:
- Employee Relations
- Attendance Management
- Health and Wellbeing
- Organisational Development
- Workforce Information and Organisational Management
- Retained Recruitment
- Job Evaluation
- Pay and Conditions
- International Recruitment
- GP Federations
- Employment Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Business Partnering
The Corporate Services Team provides a range of services to BSO as well as now serving a number of HSC Arms Length Bodies (ALBs). The services provided include:
- Fire Safety
- Business Continuity Co-ordination
- Estates/Asset/Facilities Management
- Health and Safety
- Emergency Planning and Business Continuity
- Information Governance/GDPR
- Whistleblowing
Regional Recruitment Shared Services Centre