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Password for FPPS GP Payments & HSCNI Email Service

The FPPS GP Payments and HSCNI Email Service applications are linked and share the same user account (username and password).  By changing your password you affect both applications.  There is a minor difference in the username requirement between the two applications.

  • FPPS = Username: jbond007
  • HSCNI Email = Username: hscni\jbond007

Once a password is changed it is valid for 140 days.

You are advised & encouraged to change your password within this timeframe to ensure uninterrupted access to your Payments & Email applications.  If you do not, your account will be locked.

There is currently no notification function in place to remind you when the 140-day deadline is due to expire. You are advised & encouraged to set a reminder notification in your Email or Phone calendar.

Please note:

The Password Reset Service is solely for a user account associated with your personal HSCNI Email application.

Generic HSCNI Email accounts (e.g.: practice manager or reception) have their own unique password.  Any problems with accessing these accounts, please log a call with the BSO ITS Support Team via the vFire Customer Portal.

Please access the guides below for detailed instructions on enrolling for the Password Reset Service and then resetting your password:

The links used for completing this process are found below.

Please note: The below links for the Password Reset Service will only work if you are using a Windows based device (PC / Laptop / Tablet) which is connected to the HSCNI network. 

Please contact BSO ITS for any connectivity problems.

Stage 1 – You must complete this step to enroll for the Password Reset service.

This will enable you to reset your password to one of your own choice, and if you forget your password in future, it will allow you to reset your account and choose another password.

It is recommended you enroll to use the service immediately after receiving your temporary password. You must know your username and current password to begin enrolment.

You will then be asked to register your answers to three secret questions. Click the Enrolment for Password Reset button above to enroll for this service. Once completed, you can proceed to reset your password at the Password Reset link below.

Stage 2 – You must have previously completed the Enrolment for Password Reset link above to use the password reset service.

If you would like to change your password or have forgotten your password, you can use this link to enter the answers to your three secret questions and then choose a new password.

Click the Password Reset button above to proceed with resetting your password. This will only work if you have:

  • Previously enrolled for the service as advised.
  • An active password – your current password has not breached your 140-day expiration deadline.

Note: For user accounts solely associated with the FPPS GP Payments application

This option is for those who have forgotten their password who have not enrolled in the password reset service to unlock their own account, or who had enrolled for the password reset service but answered the secret questions incorrectly or forgotten their answers.

All password reset requests must be submitted by email to fulfil audit requirements.

To have your password reset in this instance, please send an email to with FPS GP Account Password Reset in the subject title.

Your email must contain the following information:

  • Name of User
  • Username (if known)
  • GP Surgery Name
  • Contact Phone Number (ideally direct line or mobile)