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Stop Smoking

Smoking Cessation Service

The community pharmacy regional smoking cessation service offers smokers a 12-week programme of behavioural support and allows the weekly supply of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) if appropriate.

In order to provide the service:

  • Pharmacists delivering the service must have completed the recognised Public Health Agency (PHA) training.  (NB NICPLD ‘A-Z of Smoking Cessation’ completed previously is also valid).
  • Pharmacist/contractor must have contract with PHA.

The service should be delivered in line with:


Data entry and claim forms

  • Client details entered onto ELITE- electronic monitoring system.
  • Submission of the relevant claim forms electronically to the appropriate local PHA tobacco control contact.

Both to be entered in a timely manner as laid out in the Quality Standards.
Queries should be directed to the PHA tobacco control contacts.


Support documents

Local Tobacco Control Contact Details

Elite User Guide- electronic monitoring and claim system user guide

No smoking month promotional materials 2024


Patient Information Leaflets (PIL)

Stopping smoking made easier

Pregnancy and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT): What you need to know

Give your baby a breather



Stop Smoking Regional Pharmacy Letter  30 August 2024

Stop Smoking contract roll forward and carbon monoxide monitor letter  January 23


Stop Smoking Expired Elite Claims August 22




I wish to provide a smoking cessation service in my pharmacy. What is the process?

  • Contact the local PHA tobacco control contact to enquire if funding is available for a new contract. If successful, the service can be provided by a pharmacist who has successfully undertaken the training programme and has received training on ELITE.

I haven’t been able to contact a client for their 4 week follow up.  What should I do?

  • It is important to ensure client’s details are correctly recorded and checked to ensure that follow-up can be completed effectively at 4 weeks. It should be possible to complete follow up in the pharmacy for those clients getting a weekly supply of NRT. Three attempts at follow up should be undertaken and if telephone contact or face to face review in the pharmacy is not possible, then a letter to the patient should be considered. All attempts should be documented on ELITE.

A client has been receiving NRT for 12 weeks but feels they need more NRT. What are their options?

  • If there are particular clients that need additional support beyond the 12 weeks, please speak to the local PHA tobacco control contact.

For further FAQs see Regional pharmacy specialist smoking cessation service guide (2009) page 12 &13.

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