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Tapestry – Support for Carers

Support for Carers

What is a Carer?

A Carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support. This might be cooking or cleaning for them, or helping them to bathe. It can also be helping them to take their medication correctly, or taking them to medical appointments.


The HSC Regional Organisations realize the vital role that Carers play in society. We also know that the ageing population means that more of our staff will become Carers in future. Work is important for well-being, income and to keep social contacts. Having a supportive employer can help Carers to balance their work and caring responsibilities, and to stay in work. Research has shown that although policies and flexible working arrangements are available, staff can be unaware of these and take up is low.

A survey in 2014 found that although 83% of workplaces said they offered flexible working arrangements, only 48% of Carers knew this was available. Also, a third (33%) of employers said they had a specific policy for Carers, but only 19% of employees knew about this.

We want to reinforce our commitment to supporting our staff who are Carers. We also want to make sure that our staff know about the support that is available.

The following links provide information on being a carer and your rights in work:

About Us – Caring as an Unpaid Carer | Carers Trust

Your rights in work | Carers UK


Policies for balancing Caring and Work

Policies to help Carers in the workplace fall into two groups – Flexible Working and Leave policies. For information on Flexible working and the different Leave policies, please see below:

Flexible Working

Name of Policy What is covered?
Part-time working/ Reduced hours Employees are contracted to work less hours than the standard full-time working week.
Job Share One full-time post is split between two employees who work the hours between them with the salary and appropriate terms and conditions shared on a pro-rata basis. This normally involves an equal split of the duties of the post
Flexible Working Hours Scheme (Flexi-time) Flexi-time is a flexible working schedule that allows employees to change their workday start and finish times. However, there are “core hours” when attendance is necessary. It also enables the employee to build up time to take at a later stage.
Hybrid Working Scheme The Hybrid Working Scheme allows employees to work from home for up to two days a week with the remaining three days working from their contracted place of work.
Compressed hours A full-time working week is worked over fewer days (which are specific) with set start/finish times.
Personalised hours An employee and manager agree and set a working pattern based on the employees’ individual needs.
Term-time working A reduced number of weeks are worked per year, and the employee gets a reduced salary every month. All staff can ask for term-time working, not just those with childcare responsibilities.


Leave Policies

Name of Policy What is covered
Carer’s Leave Carer’s Leave is short-term leave, with pay, to help staff who have caring responsibilities to manage emergency, unplanned, short-term problems. This includes time off to look after a sick child, close relative or partner (i.e. immediate family or dependants). Carer’s Leave can also be used where normal care arrangements have broken down with very short notice. Up to 12 days can be taken as Carer’s Leave in a year. However, a single period of Carer’s Leave can’t last for longer than 3 days.
Urgent Domestic Distress Urgent Domestic Distress can be taken by staff who have direct live-in caring responsibilities for someone who is suffering from an illness or condition which has been diagnosed as either critical, in the short term, or terminal. Up to 18 days per year can be taken as Urgent Domestic Distress
Compassionate Leave Compassionate Leave is available to staff when a relative or partner dies. This can be up to a maximum of six days.
Unpaid Leave This policy allows staff to take additional unpaid leave for up to 3 months.
Employment Break This is period of unpaid leave lasting up to 5 years for staff, with the security of knowing that a job will be available on their return.



It is important to note that some of the Flexible Working policies outlined below are subject to business need and staff resources.

Please contact the Equality Unit ( if you want any more information on any of the policies below, or help in accessing these.


Other sources of support


We all experience problems that can leave us feeling overwhelmed. These can be problems at work, relationship or family worries, money problems that make us

anxious and unhappy. All staff in the HSC Regional Organisations have access to Inspire. Inspire offers a range of free, confidential services. These include a counselling service, financial and legal advice, and back to work support. Inspire operates a confidential helpline

that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Staff can contact Inspire directly, and in confidence. Your employer will not be told if you are using the service. See the link below for further information and contact details:

Home – Inspire Wellbeing


Lifeline Crisis Response helpline 0808 808 8000

Lifeline is the Northern Ireland crisis response helpline service for people who are experiencing distress or despair. Calls to Lifeline are free to people living in Northern Ireland who are calling from UK landlines and mobiles.

Lifeline counsellors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to listen and help, in confidence. Lifeline counsellors are experienced in working with trauma,suicide, self-harm, abuse, depression and anxiety. You will receive immediate help on the phone. Should you need further support Lifeline can provide a face-to-face counselling appointment in your local area within seven days.

Please also visit our Support Services page on the Tapestry website which signposts to different Organisations and Charities which provide support to those with a disability or caring for those with a disability.


Please follow the link below for contact details for People and Place and the Equality Unit if you have any queries or need further support:

BSO HR Contact Card (

Health & Wellbeing – Business Services Organisation (BSO) Website (

Call 0289536 3001 Option 1 to speak to Attendance Management (inc. Health & Wellbeing)