Dental Lists
You can search for your nearest dentist and other front line health services by clicking here
Further information in regards to registering as a health service patient can be found at the following LINK
Further information in regards to the Dental Access Scheme which aims to improve access to health service care for unregistered patients can be found at the following LINK
Information last updated: 18 September 2024
On your first visit to the Dentist, you must take your Medical Card (replacement cards are obtainable from the Business Services Organisation by clicking here) and request to be treated under the Health Service. The Dentist may or may not accept you for Health Service treatment.
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Any party who processes (i.e. copies, publishes, adapts or otherwise uses in any means) the data provided by the Business Services Organisation on this website, covered by the Open Government Licence (OGL), is required to acknowledge the Business Services Organisation as the source of the data in any such processes.