24 May 2024

Recently, staff from Business Services Organisation, the Trusts and education providers participated in the first Regional Ethnic Diversity Collaborative Workshop hosted by NIPEC.
Linda Thompson (International Recruitment Project Lead) attended and presented on behalf of BSO.
Linda provided an overview of the Regional International Nurse Recruitment Program. So far, over 1800 internationally educated nurses have been recruited across the 5 HSC Trusts as part of this regional collaboration, on which BSO are leading.
The workshop was an opportunity for HSC staff and education providers to showcase initiatives in place (or in progress) for the ethnically diverse workforce of nurses and midwives.
Picture 1 (L-R): Jonah Atos (NIPEC EDI Professional Officer and International Nurse Facilitator WHSCT) and Linda Thompson (International Recruitment Project Lead, BSO HR)
Picture 2: Linda Thompson presents an overview of the Regional International Nurse Recruitment Program