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BSO Leadership Centre new Ignite Regional Programme for HSCNI Service Managers

17 July 2024

Business Services Organisation (BSO) Leadership Centre wish to congratulate all Ignite attendees who completed the new Leadership Centre regional programme for HSCNI Service Managers.

Co-designed by service managers from across the region, this programme is tailored to the needs of this dynamic role, recognising, supporting, promoting and developing the unique skills and knowledge required. The programme also creates a network of peer support and signposts a range of further contacts and guidance, uniting those who complete with the National Proud2bOps Network.

Attendees engaged in 4 modules, as well as bite-sized online sessions, coaching and action learning sets to challenge their thinking, grow new skills, enabling them to pilot new practice and reflect on their learning.

Programme Leads Maura McMackin and Siobhan Rice wish to thank everyone who participated in such a vibrant and productive first cohort of the Ignite programme and look forward to future intakes.

Pictured below: Ignite Cohort 1, Emma Challans-Rasool (Proud2bOps), Programme Leads: Maura McMackin & Siobhan Rice, (BSO Leadership Centre) regional focus group members: Marc Neill (South Eastern HSC Trust, back left) and Elaine Mulligan (Southern HSC Trust, front row second from left).

Ignite Cohort 1, Emma Challans-Rasool (Proud2bOps), Programme Leads: Maura McMackin & Siobhan Rice, (BSO Leadership Centre) regional focus group members: Marc Neill (South Eastern HSC Trust) and Elaine Mulligan (Southern HSC Trust).