4 June 2024
Yesterday welcomed the next phase of the BSO CoreLIMS project’s Go-Live. At 09:00 AM (after a few final checks) NIBTS retired their 15-year-old DSS system and moved over to the WinPath Blood Transfusion module. For NIBTS this collaboration with Business Services Organisation will be the first in a series of significant technology projects supported by BSO that will enhance their ability to support Trusts, GPs and ultimately patients.
The CoreLIMS system has been live with a number of modules since 6th November 2023 in Belfast and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trusts. In this time the LIMS has:
• Processed 186.2 million messages between it and the 40+ enterprise level systems
• Produced over 4.4 million reports to support clinicians in their care of patients
• Provided GPs with 1.5 million reports to support their work in the communities.
This is just the start.
The Core Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) main goal is to replace the seven ageing LIMS from different vendors, used across the HSC for 30+ years with a modern regional solution.
The CoreLIMS Project will continue to roll-out more functionality across all the Trusts until 2025.
Special thanks to supplier Clinisys for all their support.
Stephen Beattie, Assistant Director BSO ITS said: “I want to congratulate all my colleagues in BSO NIPIMS Programme and BSO Digital Directorate for their hard work and dedication in getting the programme to this point. I would also like to thank Karin Jackson, Chief Executive of NIBTS and SRO for this programme, and the team at NIBTS for their enthusiasm in embracing change. Thank you also to the various teams across the Trusts, without whose support this would not have been possible. I look forward to seeing the benefits this transformative programme will bring to clinical care and the positive transformation the roll out will have throughout HSCNI.”