Presents information on dental activity carried out by general dental practitioners in Northern Ireland. It details information on the number of general dental practitioners in Northern Ireland along with the number of registered patients and the treatments carried out and submitted to BSO for payment.
Please note that due to the implementation of a new website, some links in historical reports may be out of date. Users are advised to use the links in the most recent report.
2024/25 Publication
Quarterly Publications:
FPS General Dental Services Statistics Quarterly Update: To June 2024 -
2023/24 Publication
Quarterly Publications:
2022/23 Publication
Annual Publications:Date Published: 22nd June 2023
FPS General Dental Services Statistics for Northern Ireland 2022/23 Annual Dental Statistics Tables 2022/23 FPS General Dental Services Statistics Infographic 2022/23 Quarterly Publications:
* Quarterly Update Report was not produced prior to this date -
2021/22 Publication
Date Published: 23rd June 2022
Costing Methodology Revision
In the course of compiling the 2022/23 Health Service Dental Service Costs for the FPS General Dental Statistics for Northern Ireland 2022/23 release, an error was discovered in the calculation of the 2021/22 estimates for each LGD. The error related to a pro-rata apportionment of off-system payments (accounting for approximately 4% of total payments) resulting in HSCNI Payments for Dental Services for some LGD areas to be underestimated while others were overestimated. At LCG (Health Trust) level, the apportionment and hence HSCNI payments for Dental Services were correct. However, the average spend per registered patient and per resident patient figures were calculated using data derived from the original syntax and hence were also impacted by the error.
The overall Northern Ireland Health Service Dental Service Cost reported for 2021/22 was not affected, however, BSO have quantified this error for individual LGDs and LCGs. This showed a maximum error of 14% for total payments and payments per registered patient or per resident within individual LGDs. In relation to LCG, this resulted in a maximum error of £14 per registered patient in 2021/22 and a maximum error of £9 when looking at the spend per resident. This impacted sections 6.3 and 6.4 of the annual 2021/22 report and tables 1.31 and 1.32 of the 2021/22 annual excel tables.
Please note that no other areas of the publication were affected.
Detection of this issue has led to a review and subsequent revision of the costing methodology with off-system payments no longer being apportioned across areas but rather shown as a separate “unknown” line in the relevant tables.
Due to the scale of this issue we will not be publishing corrected versions of the 2021/22 publication. This issue will be rectified for data in the 2022/23 Annual publication due on the 22nd June 2023.
20th June 2023
FPS General Dental Services Statistics for Northern Ireland 2021/22 Annual Dental Statistics Tables 2021/22 FPS General Dental Services Statistics Infographic 2021/22 - 2020/21 Publication
- 2019/20 Publication
Please see dental sections of the FPS Compendium Reports on our Archived Data page.