Please find below our equality screening documentation from 2018 to 2024. If you have difficulty accessing any of the listed documentation please email us at:
Quarter 1 2023-2024 (01 April - 30 Jun 2023)
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
Clinical Education Centre Reflective Supervision Policy
Clinical Education Centre - Reflective Supervision Screening Document
This policy will outline the processes in place to enable each Nursing and Midwifery Council registrant (supervisee) the opportunity to reflect on and discuss their practice at least twice per year with another experienced practitioner (supervisor). | Feb-23 | 2
Clinical Education Centre - Reflective Supervision Mitigation |
Draft Equality and Disability Action Plans 2023-28 Screening Document
In line with our commitments under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 and our Equality Scheme, the Equality Action Plan 2023-28 identifies a number of key actions to promote equality. The purpose of the Disability Action Plan is to outline some key actions that we are going to deliver upon to make a difference to people with disabilities including staff and people who use our services, and where relevant, their carers - to promote positive attitudes towards disabled people and encourage the participation by disabled people in public life. | May-23 | 2
Draft Equality and Disability Action Plans 2023-28 Mitigation |
BTS | PP014 NIBTS Disciplinary Policy And Procedure
PP026 Grievance Policy And Procedure
The Disciplinary and Grievance Policies and Procedures deal with employee conduct and concerns ensuring that just, fair and effective arrangements exist for dealing with issues which arise.
The Policies should be regarded as a valuable tool to promote positive employee relations, effective partnership working, long lasting resolutions and to improve standards of behaviour through accountability and learning. |
Apr-23 | 2
PP014 Disciplinary Policy and Procedure PP026 NIBTS Grievance Policy and Procedure Mitigation
NIPEC’s Annual Business Plan for 2022-23 details how it will make best use of its resources to achieve its strategic objectives. It also details how NIPEC plan to improve how they work | May-23 |
Annual Business Plan 2022-23 Mitigation
PHA | Draft Equality And Disability Action Plans 2023-28
Draft Equality and Disability Action Plans 2023-28 Screening Document
In line with our commitments under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 and our Equality Scheme, the Equality Action Plan 2023-28 identifies a number of key actions to promote equality. The purpose of the Disability Action Plan is to outline some key actions that we are going to deliver upon to make a difference to people with disabilities including staff and people who use our services, and where relevant, their carers - to promote positive attitudes towards disabled people and encourage the participation by disabled people in public life | May-23 | 2
Draft Equality and Disability Action Plans 2023-28 Mitigation |
Quarter 2 2023-2024 (01 July - 30 September 2023)
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
BSO | HSC Digital Programme
In March 2019, the Permanent Secretary of the Department of Health (DoH), as the Programme Sponsor, requested that the HSC Digital Programme be established to expand shared services for HSCNI IT delivery. As a result of this mandate, a regional HSC programme was established (HSC Digital), which has undertaken wide stakeholder engagement to investigate various options available for this delivery. As a result of this work, the preferred option of the Programme Board was to establish a new HSC Digital Directorate within BSO, expanding the existing IT Shared Service offering. The preferred option is to move existing IT staff within the six Trusts, BSO ITS and NIBTS to within a new directorate within BSO. The decision to take this preferred option is covered in this screening document.
Jun-23 | 2
BTS | Closure of fixed donation site at 16 College St, Belfast, previously used one day per month (CM1819)
NIBTS rent lower ground floor space, to run as a static blood donation centre. Donor attendance was declining prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the decline has increased significantly since that time. NIBTS pay £1,000 per month for the use of the premises. Other HSCNI occupants of 16 College St., have requested use of the space allocated to NIBTS. NIBTS staff were only rostered to work at College St. one day per month, as part of their normal working pattern, and not all staff would work there. There will be no changes to their working pattern. Donors who had previously donated at College St. will be offered alternative venues. |
May-23 | 2
Adult Safeguarding Protocol Policy
Adult Safeguarding Protocol Screening Document
These procedures outline the actions needed to respond to adults at risk of abuse or harm and are in line with new guidelines from the Northern Ireland Adult Safeguarding Partnership. | Sep-22 | 2 |
Centre Contingency Plan
Centre Contingency Plan Screening Document
This plan outlines the action to be taken in the event of any major incident occurring such as fire, flood, bomb warning etc – that may be dangerous or life-threatening to staff or other users. It also describes the process by which learners will be able to continue their studies in the event of the Patient and Client Council withdrawing certain course services as a result of any unforeseen circumstances, physical or administrative. |
Oct-22 |
Centre Contingency Plan Mitigation
PCC | Data Protection And Confidentiality Policy Document
This policy is to support the protection, control and management of personal information. The Policy covers all information within the PCC and is concerned with all information systems, electronic and non-electronic information and information systems, information in all formats and all types of media. | Jan-23 | 3
PCC | Information Governance Strategy And Framework Policy
Information Governance Strategy And Framework Screening Document |
This policy will:
Oct-22 | 3
PCC | Internal Verification Policy Document
Effective internal verification is the process by which the OCN Learning Centre, in this case the PCC, ensures that the standard of assessment remains consistent over time and that there is consistency and standardization in the assessment decisions made by different assessors. This in turn ensures that learners are treated fairly and equally in the assessment of their work. | Dec-22 | 2 |
PCC | Malpractice Policy Document
This protocol describes the process by which the organisation will report, investigate and record allegations of malpractice in relation to the organisations OCN accredited/endorsed training provision. | Mar-23 | 2 |
PCC | Reasonable Adjustments And Special Consideration Policy Document
Reasonable Adjustments And Special Considerations Policy Screening Document |
This policy sets out the procedures that employees and learners must follow when implementing reasonable adjustments and special considerations in respect of the PCC’s training provision. | Dec-22 |
Reasonable Adjustments And Special Considerations Policy Mitigation |
Reimbursing Expenses and Reciprocal Recognition Payments Policy Reimbursing Expenses And Making Recognition Payments Policy Screening Document |
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that our organisation offers a consistent approach in line with HSC regional guidance as to when and how we will reimburse out-of-pocket expenses and offer recognition payment. | Oct-22 |
Reimbursing Expenses And Making Recognition Payments Policy Mitigation |
PCC | Risk Management Strategy And Policy Document
This Risk Management Strategy and Policy sets out the PCC’s approach to risk management. It sets out how risk is managed across the organisation, and ensures a consistent approach to identify and deal with risks that may impact on the PCC’s ability to achieve its strategic aims and objectives. |
Jan-23 | 3
SBNI | Business plan 2023-24
This SBNI Business Plan 2023-2024 represents Year Two of the SBNI Strategic Plan 2022-2026. | Mar-23 |
2 |
SBNI | Child Protection Case Conference Appeals Policy Document
This revision of this policy is to provide an additional independent level of oversight and decision-making in respect of the management of this appeals process around the process for appealing the initial decision.
Jun-23 | 3
Sexually Active Children Guidance Policy Document
Sexually Active Children Screening Document
This guidance is intended to provide information to safeguarding professionals who are working with young people who are below the age of legal consent and who may be engaged in sexual activity that is off a non-abusive nature. | Jun-23 | 3
Business Plan 2023 24 Policy Document Business Plan 2023 24 Policy Document
Business Plan 2023 24 Screening Document
To support the delivery of the new Strategic Plan 2023-27 the Social Care Council have developed an annual Business Plan for 2023/24 which explains what it will do during the year in support of the new strategic themes. | Apr-23 | 2 |
To support the delivery of the new Strategic Plan 2023-27 the Social Care Council have developed an annual Business Plan for 2023/24 which explains what it will do during the year in support of the new strategic themes.
Apr-23 | 2
Strategic Plan 2023-27 Mitigation
Quarter 3 2023-2024 (01 October - 31 December 2024)
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
BSO Equality And Disability Action Plans 2023 28
BSO Equality And Disability Action Plans 2023 28 Screening Document
In line with our commitments under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 and our Equality Scheme, the Equality Action Plan 2023-28 identifies a number of key actions to promote equality. The purpose of this action plan is to outline some key actions that we are going to deliver upon to make a difference to people with disabilities including staff and people who use our services, and where relevant, their carers - to promote positive attitudes towards disabled people and encourage the participation by disabled people in public life. | Sep-23 | 2
BTS | Equality And Disability Action Plans 2023 28 Screening Document | In line with our commitments under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 and our Equality Scheme, the Equality Action Plan 2023-28 identifies a number of key actions to promote equality. The purpose of this action plan is to outline some key actions that we are going to deliver upon to make a difference to people with disabilities including staff and people who use our services, and where relevant, their carers - to promote positive attitudes towards disabled people and encourage the participation by disabled people in public life. | Sep-23 | 2
Policy On Management Unreasonable, Persistent And Vexatious Contacts
Management Of Unreasonable, Persistent And Vexatious Contacts Screening Document
The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) is the independent body that regulates and inspects the quality and availability of Northern Ireland’s Health and Social Care (HSC) services. RQIA was established under The Health and Personal Social Services (Quality, Improvement and Regulation) (Northern Ireland) Order 2003 (the 2003 Order) to drive improvements for everyone using health and social care services. |
Dec-23 | 2
Management Of Unreasonable Persistent And Vexatious Contacts Mitigation |
SBNI | Equality And Disability Action Plans 2023 2028 Policy Document
Equality And Disability Action Plans 2023 2028 Screening Document |
The policy outlines how the SBNI will address issues of equality in all its work
Mar-23 | 2
Quarter 4 2023-2024 (01 January - 31 March 2024)
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
Conflict, Bullying And Harassment In The Workplace Policy Document
Conflict, Bullying And Harassment In The Workplace Screening Document
To provide all staff, particularly managers, with clear guidance on how to handle conflict, bullying and harassment in accordance with best practice and relevant employment legislation. | Jan-24 | 3
Fraud Policy Screening Equality Screening Document
This policy sets out BSO commitment and approach to the prevention of fraud and to promote an anti-fraud culture. The Policy is to provide a definition of fraud and to outline all staff’s responsibilities regarding the prevention of fraud. It is set out in line with the Fraud Act and DoH guidance and requirements. | Feb-24 |
2 |
Gifts And Hospitality Policy Document
Gift And Hospitality Policy Screening Document
This policy sets out the BSO approach to dealing with Gifts and Hospitality. It provides advice to staff, who either receive offers of gifts and hospitality or provide gifts and hospitality to others on behalf of the BSO. | Feb-24 | 2
Gift And Hospitality Policy Mitigation
Violence and Aggression the Workplace – HSC Framework
Violence And Aggression The Workplace HSC Framework Screening Document
The purpose of this framework is to outline the HSC commitment in partnership with staff representatives, to ensure the prevention, reduction and management of violence and aggression towards staff in the workplace, and to ensure associated structures, policies and support is in place to enable staff to work safely. | Feb-24 | 2
Violence And Aggression The Workplace HSC Framework Mitigation |
The purpose of the NIPEC Hybrid Working Policy– Guidance for Managers & Staff is to set out the criteria and arrangements for how employees can apply for hybrid working. The Guidance shall ensure a consistent approach which meets the needs of our business and the health and wellbeing of staff. Productivity of NIPEC business will continue to be evaluated and reported to Council in line with NIPEC’s Performance Management Policy.
Mar-24 | 2
NIPEC Hybrid Working Policy Mitigation
PCC | Freedom Of Information Policy
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) gives the public a general right of access to information held by a public authority, subject to certain conditions and exemptions. FOI promotes greater openness and accountability across the public sector, therefore facilitating a better understanding of how public bodies carry out their business and how they spend public money. FOI places a statutory obligation on the Patient and Client Council (PCC) to publish details of all recorded information that it holds, except where an exemption applies. FOI is wholly retrospective and applies to all information held by public authorities regardless of its date. The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) gives the right to access ‘environmental information’ held by public authorities, and therefore requires similar measures for all environmental information held by PCC. | Oct-23 | 3 |
Self Harm Intervention Programme Equality Policy
Self Harm Intervention Programme Equality Screening
Under the Protect Life Suicide Prevention Strategy for Northern Ireland, the PHA is tasked with commissioning services for people who self-harm. A Self-Harm Intervention Programme (SHIP) will be provided by Community and Voluntary sector organisations, targeting those with less complex problems that would otherwise be discharged from Health and Social Care Trusts with little or no support in place. It complements the mental health services provided by the Trusts.
Jan-24 | 2 |
Policy For Inspection Support Volunteers (ISV’s)
Policy For Inspection Support Volunteers (ISV’s) Screening Document |
The purpose of this policy is to set out RQIA’s arrangements for recruitment, induction and support to the ISV programme. To be an effective regulator it is essential that RQIA collects data, information, and regulatory intelligence to effectively support engagement with relevant stakeholder groups during inspection. Inspection Support Volunteers (ISV’s) play a vital role as members of our inspection teams, bringing with them public insight and helping teams to consider an independent lay perspective. | Dec-23 | 2 |
External Experts Remuneration, Travel And Subsistence Equality Screening |
The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) will ensure this policy supports the delivery of the highest possible standards of probity, regularity and value for money in the execution of its duties. Furthermore, RQIA will adhere to the basic principle of public sector organisations to execute the proper use of public funds and to be open and accountable in the management and reporting of the same. It is RQIA policy to ensure External Experts are reimbursed promptly and appropriately for any services provided and are paid for any prior agreed expenses incurred whilst undertaking work related to RQIA Activity. RQIA will remunerate External Experts for the time spent undertaking RQIA activity along with permitted travel and subsistence costs which will allow Expert External Experts to attend RQIA or other venues as required. These payments will be balanced with the duty of RQIA to ensure best use of public monies.
Dec-23 | 3 |
SCC | Travel And Subsistence Policy
The Northern Ireland Social Care Council has developed a Travel and Subsistence Policy to help ensure the most efficient, effective and economical use of its travel and subsistence budget to provide all staff with a standard access point for processing and arranging travel and accommodation. It is designed to achieve the most cost-effective and economical use of taxpayers’ money. |
Feb-24 | Travel And Subsistence Mitigation |
Apr-Jun 2022-23
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
BSO | BSO Business Plan 2022-23 | The Annual Business Plan outlines Key Priorities, Actions and Targets for 2022-23 | Jun-22 | 2 |
BSO | Disability Placement Scheme | The 26-week placement opportunities are unpaid, targeted at people with a diverse range of disabilities wishing to gain meaningful work experience. The objective is twofold: to support people with a disability gaining meaningful work experience and to promote positive attitudes to people with a disability. | May-22 | 2 |
Jul-Sep 2022-23
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
BSO | Attendance at Work Policy | BSO recognises that it has a duty to support staff when they become ill, facilitating staff in so far as possible to safely return to work as early as they can. The BSO has a responsibility to actively encourage a culture of health and well-being within the workforce while equally expecting employees to take personal responsibility for their own health and well-being. The BSO recognises that staff sickness exacerbates service delivery problems and places additional pressure on other staff, as well as carrying a significant financial cost. | Aug-22 | 2 |
BSO | BSO Environmental Policy | Ensure that all waste generated at all BSO locations is managed and disposed appropriately so that the organisation is in full compliance with all waste legislation | Sep-22 | 2 |
BSO | Fire Safety Policy | Keep all employees safe so far as is reasonably practicable by being in compliance with all health and safety legislation. | Sep-22 | 2 |
BSO | Fixed Term Workers Policy | The Business Services Organisation (BSO) is committed where possible to: Offering contracts of employment on a permanent basis except where there is a clear need for a particular job to be done on a temporary basis. |
Aug-22 | 2 |
BSO | Health and Safety Policy | Keep all employees safe so far as is reasonably practicable by being in compliance with all health and safety legislation. | Sep-22 | 2 |
BSO | HSC Supplier Security Policy | This policy sets out the requirements expected of third parties in order to effectively protect HSC information. This policy will ensure that HSC complies with its statutory duties laid out in the Data Protection Act 2018. | Aug-22 | 3 |
BSO | Patient Exemptions - Small Claims Court Referrals | This pilot exercise will inform the BSO Patient Exemptions Team whether the current process followed with regard to the Debt Recovery element and its associated follow up work needs to be amended. | Sep-22 | 2 |
BSO | Waste Management Policy | Ensure that all waste generated at all BSO locations is managed and disposed appropriately so that the organisation is in full compliance with all waste legislation. | Sep-22 | 3 |
NIPEC | Regional Review of In-House Education Activities in HSC Trusts | On behalf of the CNO, NIPEC will lead a review of in-house education activities delivered to nurses, midwives, nursing assistants and maternity support workers across the five HSC Trusts seeking to scope the range, type, volume and delivery methods of in-house nursing and midwifery education activities and the quality assurance processes that are in place across HSC Trusts. | Sep-22 | 2 |
NIPEC | Review of the Maternity Support Workers Education Programme and development of resources for the Maternity Support Worker role | In 2021, the Chief Nursing Officer, Department of Health, (DoH) and the Director of Workforce Policy Directorate (DoH) commissioned the Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery (NIPEC) to lead:
A review of the Maternity Support Workers education programme and, |
Sep-22 | 2 |
NIPEC | Updating of the NIPEC Preceptorship Framework (2013) and microsite to reflect the new NMC Principles for Preceptorship (2020) | To update the NI Preceptorship Framework in line with the NMC Principles for Preceptorship (2020) and the new NI Reflective Supervision Framework (pending publication). | Sep-22 | 2 |
NISCC | Business Transition Plan | The Business Transition Plan enables the organisation to resume working from the office premises. | Aug-22 | 2 |
PHA | Bereaved by Suicide Development Project | The core objective of this service is to provide coordination, facilitation and development support to the Families Voices Forum to be a voice for individuals, families and communities who have been bereaved by suicide and to publicly promote the work of the Forum and highlight pathways for involvement. | Aug-22 | 2 |
PHA | Retendering of the Youth Engagement Service (formerly known as One Stop Shops) | The PHA is re- tendering for the provision of a Youth Engagement Service. This Service provides a wide range of interventions and acts as a hub where young people have opportunities to socialise in an alcohol and drug-free environment and avail of information, advice and support on a range of issues from relevant services both on-site and off-site, with the support of staff of the Youth Engagement Service. | Aug-22 | 2 |
SBNI | SBNI Business Plan 2022-23 | The SBNI Business Plan 2022-2023 details how we will make best use of our resources to achieve our core goals and strategic aims, objectives and priorities as set out in our Strategic Plan 2022-2026. | Jun-22 | 2 |
Oct-Dec 2022-23
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
BSO | Disciplinary Procedure
This document sets out the regional Disciplinary Policy and Procedure in relation to employee conduct and ensures that just, fair and effective arrangements exist for dealing with disciplinary issues. The Policy should be regarded as a valuable tool to promote positive employee relations, effective partnership working and to improve standards of behaviour through accountability and learning. | Nov-22 | 2 |
Jan-Mar 2022-23
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
Apr-Jun 2021-22
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
BSO | Annual Leave Policy | The aim of this policy is to provide a standard and equitable approach to the management of annual leave and Public Holiday entitlement for employees. The broad principles of this policy apply to all employees on Agenda for Change (AFC) Terms & Conditions with the exception of employees on Medical & Dental and Civil Service Terms & Conditions who will need to refer to the relevant sections of their handbooks. | Jun-21 | 2 |
BSO | CEC-Peer review of teaching policy (May 2021) V1
Screening Document |
The aim of this policy is to provide a clear description of the peer review of teaching process expected by teaching staff working within the Clinical Education Centre (CEC). | Jun-21 | 2
(Click to view mitigation) |
BSO | HSC CEC Education Delivery Plan 2021/22 (Adult Acute Programmes) | The Clinical Education Centre (CEC) Delivery Plan (EDP) details nursing and midwifery programmes offered to Service Level Agreement (SLA) clients for the financial year 2021/22. This screening includes the Adult Acute programme offerings. | Apr-21 | 2 |
BSO | HSC CEC Education Delivery Plan 2021/22 (Women, children and public health programmes)
CEC EDP - women children and public health Equality Screening comments |
The CEC Education Delivery Plan contains the Nursing and Midwifery programme offering to Service Level Agreement clients for the financial year 2021/22. | May-21 | 2 |
BSO | Information Security Policy | The Information Security Policy details the regional approach to Information Security Management across HSC and NIFRS, including the overall management structure and key principles which apply to each HSC and NIFRS organisation. |
Jun-21 | 2 |
BSO | Menopause at Work Policy | This menopause policy and supporting guidance are intended to provide clarity and direction on how BSO should deal with menopause related issues, for individuals experiencing difficulties associated with the menopause. | Jun-21 | 2 |
BSO | Social media Policy | This policy lays out the good practice in the use of social media, and measures to eradicate unacceptable use. | Apr-21 | 2 |
BSO | Use of Hirelab to facilitate pre-recorded video interviews as part of our Recruitment & Selection process | To allow recruitment panels the option of having a further method to manage the interview process, particularly for high volume files and also safely during Covid. | May-21 | 2 |
HSCB | Management of Change Framework | The document provides guidance to managers and employees in relation to Organisational Change in order to have a consistent process to support staff and the organisation through organisational change programme. | Jun-21 | 2 |
HSCB | Procurement of Prison Optometry Services | Through a competitive tendering process, to secure a formal contract with providers to deliver optometry services across all NI prison sites. | Apr-21 | 2 |
HSCB | The Northern Ireland Regional Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) Policy | Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) is any test performed for a patient by a healthcare professional outside the conventional laboratory setting. The purpose of the Policy is to ensure that POCT is effectively managed across all HSC Organisations so as to maximize the clinical benefit of POCT in patient care and to limit the risks to patients and staff associated with its use. | May-21 | 3 |
NIPEC | Promoting a career in Perioperative Nursing | The Project Steering Group will work with key stakeholders to promote a career in perioperative nursing and develop a career pathway to support the development of registered and non-registered nursing staff. | Apr-21 | 2 |
RQIA | Fire Safety | RQIA has an obligation to comply with recommendation and requirements contained in Firecode, Statutes and other public guidance. This Policy addresses these in such a manner as set out within these documents. | May-21 | 2 |
Jul-Sep 2021-22
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
BSO | Guidance for Line Managers: COVID-19/Long COVID Absence Support Process | As part of the emergency response to the current COVID-19 pandemic, HSC employers in conjunction with Department of Health (DoH) introduced temporary workforce guidance as part of its strategy to support the response to COVID-19. | Jul-21 | 3 |
BSO | HSC CEC Education Delivery Plan 2021/ (Primary care and older peoples Programmes)
CEC Primary care and older people screening CEC EDP - General Programmes Equality Screening v3 FINAL (2) (2) |
The CEC Education Delivery Plan contains the Nursing and Midwifery programme offering to Service Level Agreement clients for the financial year 2021/22. The Education Delivery Plan (EDP) consists of a number of specific programmes of care to cover all section of the population. These are broken down into a number of different areas, all of which are screened separately. | Jul-21 | 2 |
BSO | Regional Off Cycle Policy | The policy explains Off Cycles and outlines the Off Cycle processing schedule, clarifies the criteria for automatic payment & when and level of approval that is required. It also outlines how Off Cycle Payments will be reflected in an employee’s next payslip. | Jul-21 | 2 |
BTS | Menopause at Work Policy | This menopause policy and supporting guidance are intended to provide clarity and direction on how BTS should deal with menopause related issues, for individuals experiencing difficulties associated with the menopause | Sep-21 | 2 |
BTS | Policy for vaccination of staff against Hepatitis B | The purpose of this policy is to provide information on Hepatitis B vaccination for NIBTS /healthcare staff | Sep-21 | 3 |
HSCB | Anti-Fraud and Anti-Bribery Policy and Response Plan | This policy is intended to provide advice to all staff on their responsibilities to prevent and detect fraud or bribery and to report all cases of actual, suspected or potential of the same. | Jul-21 | 3 |
HSCB | Post-operative cataract review in community optometry | The aim of this piece of work is to enable patients to attend their post-operative cataract review appointment in their local optometry practice rather than in a hospital, to make the patient journey easier and to relieve pressure on hospital eye services. | Jul-21 | 2 |
NIGALA | Menopause at Work Policy | This menopause policy and supporting guidance are intended to provide clarity and direction on how NIGALA should deal with menopause related issues, for individuals experiencing difficulties associated with the menopause. | Sep-21 | 2 |
PCC | Co-production Paid Associate Model | The Co-Production Peer Partner (Paid Associate) model is an enhancement of the current involvement opportunities offered through Make Change Together. This project provides an enhanced level of involvement as service users will be reciprocally recognised for their experience as a Co-Production Peer Partner (Paid Associate). | Sep-21 | 2 |
PHA | Decision to provide pregnant women with a folder to hold their Maternity Handheld Record and associated documentation.
Screening Document |
Northern Ireland’s regional Maternity Handheld Record (MHHR) is based on an accumulation of evidence around best practice in maternity care. The purpose of the regional MHHR is to serve as a central repository for planning the delivery of care; and documenting communication with and interactions between members of the multi-disciplinary health care team, between the health care team and the woman to provide safe, person-centred care. | Sep-21 | 2
(Click to view mitigation) |
SBNI | Business Plan 2021-22 | The SBNI Business Plan 2021-2022 details how we will make best use of our resources to achieve our core goals and strategic aims, objectives and priorities as set out in our Strategic Plan 2018-2022. | Aug-21 | 2 |
Oct-Dec 2021-22
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screened Decision |
BSO | Digital Identity Programme | The Health and Social Care of Northern Ireland (HSCNI) Business Services Organisation (BSO) are in the process of developing the Digital Identity Service (DIS) for the replacement of the current regional HCN (Health Care Number Index) and NHAIS (National Health Authority Information Index) applications with one system which will provide a unique digital identity and registration management for all users of HSC services. | Nov-21 | 2 |
BSO | HSC CEC Education Delivery Plan 2021/22 (Cancer and Palliative Care) | The CEC Education Delivery Plan contains the Nursing and Midwifery programme offering to Service Level Agreement clients for the financial year 2021/22. | Oct-21 | (Click to view mitigation) |
HSCB | 2021/22 Programme of Works - Health and Social Care Board, 12/22 Linenhall Street, Belfast
2021/22 Programme of Works - Health and Social Care Board, 12/22 Linenhall Street, Belfast |
Maintenance of existing infrastructure in 12/22 Linenhall Street, Belfast. The condition of the property is closely monitored and where appropriate, risk assessments are undertaken. | Nov-21 | 2 |
HSCB | Children and Young Peoples Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) Parental Participation Project
Children and Young People Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) Parental Participation Project |
The CYPSP is a multiagency strategic partnership, consisting of senior leaders of all key agencies across statutory, voluntary and community sectors that have responsibility for improving outcomes for all children and young people in NI. | Nov-21 | 2 |
HSCB | Health and Social Care Board, Business Continuity Plan and Policy | The aim of the Business Continuity Plan (the Plan) is to provide a framework to proactively improve the Health and Social Care Board’s (the Board) resilience against disruption, maintaining the delivery of key products (Critical Functions) within specified recovery time objectives thus ensuring continuity and patient/client safety is maintained and the reputation of the Board is upheld. | Nov-21 | 2 |
HSCB | HSCB Financial Plan 2021-2022-Covid-19 response element | Following the approval of the budget by the Minister the HSCB has received opening allocation letters from the DoH initially providing £5,937m of revenue budget allocation and a further capital allocation of £15m. Within the financial plan document there are 3 key considerations: a) New funds for priorities directed by the DoH b) Roll forward of baseline resources c) Pressures and slippage |
Oct-21 | 3 |
HSCB | Independent Information, Advice, and Advocacy Service to Support Independent Living
Screening Document |
The aim is to deliver an accessible regional Service that will provide information, advice, and advocacy for service users and carers in Northern Ireland in relation to Self-Directed Support (SDS) and the Independent Living Fund (ILF). | Nov-21 | 2
(Click to view mitigation) |
HSCB | Information Governance Strategy 2021-22 | The Information Governance Strategy provides clear direction to the HSCB in delivering the requirements of Information Governance and associated policies. The Strategy will assist in establishing and maintaining a robust and effective Information Governance framework. | Nov-21 | 3 |
HSCB | Investment Proposal Template: Extension of the Hospital at Home Scheme - Regional | Hospital at Home provides intensive hospital level care for acute conditions that would normally require an acute hospital bed, in a patient’s home for a short episode, through multi-disciplinary healthcare teams. Existing Acute Care at Home and Enhanced Care at Home programmes in each Trust are expected to migrate to the Hospital at Home model. | Nov-21 | 3 |
HSCB | Investment Proposal Template: Stroke Thrombectomy - Increasing Nurse Capacity (Regional) | This investment will increase stroke nurse capacity in all Trust areas. This will enable a stroke nurse to accompany a patient on the blue light transfer to the Royal Victoria Hospital for a thrombectomy procedure. The accompanying nurse will be responsible for observations and monitoring of the patient during transfer. This nurse will rapidly handover the essential details, with comments on any changes, on arrival at the hospital. | Dec-21 | 3 |
HSCB | Shared Lives NI | Shared Lives NI is a scheme offering people in need of support a safe, welcoming, family environment where they can spend short breaks or live permanently with Host Carers. | Dec-21 | 2 |
NIPEC | Business Plan 2021-22 | NIPEC’s Annual Business Plan for 2021-22 details how it will make best use of its resources to achieve its strategic objectives, as set out in NIPEC’s Corporate Plan 2017-21. | Dec-21 | 2 |
PCC | Adverse Weather Protocol | PCC recognises the vital contribution that staff play in delivering the organisation’s objectives and would want to consider initiatives that support staff unable to travel to work because of adverse weather conditions. It also describes the process where managers can consider the early release of staff, or respond to staff requests to leave work early, due to adverse weather conditions. |
Dec-21 | 3 |
PCC | Engagement Platform discussing the formulation of an NI Bereavement Charter | PCC is currently acting as part of the Bereavement Charter Subgroup of the Bereavement Network for Northern Ireland. To this end, the PCC are taking forward the formation of an Engagement Platform consisting of organisations and the wider public, to discuss the possible scope, format, and content of a Bereavement Charter for NI. | Oct-21 | 2 |
PCC | Menopause at Work Policy | This menopause policy and supporting guidance are intended to provide clarity and direction on how PCC should deal with menopause related issues, for individuals experiencing difficulties associated with the menopause. | Dec-21 | 2 |
PCC | Statement of Strategic Intent Consultation | PCC is currently reviewing its’ plan of work, and methods for achieving this plan of work. This document sets out the vision, mission, values, practice model and operational priorities for PCC for the forthcoming 36 months. It has been created by engagement with staff, clients, members and Council volunteers. | Oct-21 | 2 |
RQIA | Health and Safety Policy | The purpose of this Health and Safety Policy is to ensure that RQIA complies with its statutory duties and common law duty of care in relation to health, safety and welfare at work. | Nov-21 | 2 |
SBNI | SBNI Strategy for Engaging with Children and Young People | The aim of this engagement strategy is to control, direct and inform how the SBNI will engage with children and young people in Northern Ireland. This applies to the SBNI Board, the SBNI statutory and non-statutory committees and any suppliers whose services the SBNI will procure that involves engaging directly with children and young people. The strategy will also identify best practice methods for capturing these views across a wide and varied audience base. | Nov-21 | 2 |
Jan-Mar 2021-22
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
BTS | Facilitating members of the public with a mobility disability to donate blood | Replacement of the blood donation couch with the donation chair. The donation chair has been shown to reduce vasovagal reactions, as donors raise more gently to an upright position | Jan-22 |
2 |
BTS | MP:025 Medical Team Competency Framework, Including Out of Hours Work | This policy sets out the arrangements for ensuring and documenting Consultant Haematologist/Consultant in Transfusion Medicine competency to undertake the role of Medical Consultant, including on call duties. Competency in clinical duties is required to support the delivery of a safe, effective and quality service. | Feb - 22 | 3 |
BTS | Workplace Policy on Domestic and Sexual Abuse | The purpose of this policy is to signal a clear commitment of NIBTS’s support to any member of staff affected by domestic or sexual abuse. The policy demonstrates NIBTS’s commitment to providing guidance for employees and managers to address the occurrence of domestic or sexual violence & abuse and its effects on the workplace. | Mar - 22 |
2 |
HSCB | Investment Proposal Template (IPT): Development of adult regional neuropsychology services | This proposal will support additional funding for additional capacity to allow the Trust to increase access to this regional service for these patients and their families. In particular, quality of life and emotional wellbeing may be significantly improved (in comparison to no service) when the patient and family are adjusting to a new diagnosis, during transition to the wider MDT, when coping with complex treatment plans and with a fluctuating course of the condition and its management. | Mar - 22 | (Click to view mitigation) |
HSCB | Investment Proposal Template (IPT): Unscheduled Care in Hospital (Patient Flow) | Control Room Support: Establishing a Control room and appointing staff to deliver its functions 7 days a week, 365 days a year to maintain timely patient flow and minimise delays in the patient journey from admission to timely discharge. • Phase 2 7/7 working: Phase 2 of 7/7 working is to ensure effective arrangements are in place to build on 7 day working for Social Workers, Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists embedded in key base wards to support patient flow. • Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Therapy (OPAT): The key objective of an OPAT service is to safely and effectively manage patients on Intravenous antibiotics as outpatients, ensuring that their treatment is optimised, appropriately delivered and supervised, and that risks are minimised. | Jan - 22 | (Click to view mitigation) |
HSCB | Stroke –Enhancement of Early Supported Discharge for WHSCT, and SHSCT | This proposal is for WHSCT and SHSCT to increase Community Stroke Team capacity to improve Early Supported Discharge which was established in 2018/19, funded through transformation. The investment will provide enhanced staffing support though an Early Supported Discharge service for stroke survivors. | Feb - 22 |
2 |
HSCB | Transfer of Cooperation and Working Together (CAWT) service from HSCB to WHSCT | It has been planned that Cooperation and Working Together (CAWT) staff will transfer from Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) as a host employer to a Trust host employer, suggested Western Health and Social Care Trust (WHSCT). | Mar - 22 |
2 |
NIGALA | Workplace Policy on Domestic Abuse | The purpose of this policy is to signal a clear commitment of the NIGALA’s support to any member of staff affected by domestic abuse. | Jan - 22 |
2 |
NIPEC | Menopause in Work Policy | The aims of the Policy are to provide a clear definition of what the menopause is, the stages of menopause, when it occurs, what happens, potential impact on performance at work, and the responsibilities of different groups within the organisation and to provide guidance on how to support employees going through menopause. | Mar - 22 |
2 |
NIPEC | Social Media Policy | The Policy aims to promote good practice in the use of social media and adherence to acceptable standards of use and to cascade social media as a mechanism to engage with staff and stakeholders, receive feedback and expose to new products and innovative ideas. | Mar - 22 |
2 (Click to view mitigation) |
PHA | Anti-Fraud and Anti-Bribery Policy | This policy is intended to provide advice to all staff on their responsibilities to prevent and detect fraud or bribery and to report all cases of actual, suspected or potential of the same. | Jan - 22 | 3 |
RQIA | Information Governance suite of policies
Information Asset Register Procedure |
The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority’s (RQIA) suite of Information Governance (IG) policies set out how RQIA should manage and secure its information in line with the requirements of data protection legislation, and in line with the requirements set out in freedom of information / environmental information regulations.
These policies outline for staff a consistent procedure on how information should be handled. The policies are: |
Feb - 22 |
2 |
Apr-Jun 2020-21
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
HSCB | Family Support to Parents and Carers with Prematurely Born Babies and those requiring Special or Intensive Care at Birth | The objectives of this procurement are: • to provide a family support and information service to parents and families with prematurely born babies and those requiring special or intensive care at birth and at discharge home to the care of families; • to work across a range of settings from hospital to community and in partnership with parents, health care professionals and other community groups where required; • to deliver advocacy support in conjunction with parents and families where required and in liaison with parents in regard to other services, both statutory and voluntary in identifying the needs and outcomes to support families with children who have been born prematurely; • to support short breaks as defined within the glossary. |
May-20 | 2 |
NIPEC | Standard Operating Procedures (Emergency Response to Covid-19) | The Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) outline NIPEC’s emergency response to Covid-19 and should be read in conjunction with NIPEC’s Business Continuity Plan. | Jun-20 | 3 |
Jul-Sep 2020-21
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
BSO | Annual Business Plan | The BSO Corporate Plan 2018-21 sets out the strategic context in which the organisation operates, along with Mission, Values and Strategic Objectives/Aims and Outcomes for this three-year period. The supporting Annual Business Plan outlines Key Priorities, Actions and Targets for the year ahead. | Sep-20 | 3 |
BSO | Environmental Management Policy | The BSO aims to ensure that its core business activities are aligned with its commitment to reducing the environmental impact | Sep-20 | 3 |
BSO | BSO Risk Management Strategy including policy statement; and staff procedure for the management of risk registers | The purpose of the risk management strategy and policy statement is to establish a consistent and integrated approach to the management of risk throughout the BSO. The procedure for the management of risk registers provides guidance on the management of risk registers by outlining the method for identifying and assessing risk, scoring and recording of risks on risk register, development of risk action plans and the process for escalation and aggregation of risks. |
Jul-20 | 3 |
BSO | Management of Change | The document provides guidance to managers and employees in relation to Organisational Change in order to have a consistent process to support staff and the organisation through organisational change programme. Management of Change (MoC) | Aug-20 | 3 |
BSO | Working from Home Policy Screening Document |
To work effectively, any working from home arrangement must primarily meet the business needs of the BSO, followed by the individual needs of staff, to ultimately ensure the continued delivery of safe and high-quality services | Aug-20 | 2 |
HSCB | Gifts and Hospitality Policy | The purpose of the Gifts and Hospitality Policy is to ensure that the Health and Social Care Board meets its obligation under all relevant legislative requirements and associated guidance, in particular the Bribery Act 2010. | Aug-20 | 3 |
HSCB | Integrated Elective Access Protocol | The overall aim of the protocol is to ensure that patients are treated in a timely, effective and fair manner from elective referral to first definitive treatment or discharge | Sep-20 | 2 |
PHA | Physical Activity Referral Scheme (PARS) | PARS is an obesity prevention funded initiative, sitting under the Regional Obesity Implementation Plan. The overall aim of PARS is to increase physical activity levels in adults in line with the Chief Medical Officer Physical Activity guidelines with a primary focus on those who are overweight/ obese (i.e. people with a BMI >25kg/m2 to <40kg/m2). The regional PARS will now adhere to regional standards and guidelines for Level 3 exercise referral programmes. | Jul-20 | 1 |
PHA | Southern Cycling Scheme (SCH) | The overall aim of the SCH scheme was to:
Jul-20 | 2 |
Oct-Dec 2020-21
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
BSO | CEC - Education Delivery Plan | The CEC Education Delivery Plan contains the Nursing and Midwifery programme offering to Service Level Agreement clients for the financial year 2021/22. | Oct-20 | 2 |
BSO | ITS Staff Reintegration | The programme will implement guidance issued by Human Resources and Corporate Services regarding return to the workplace.
The constraint is social distancing; the project must facilitate social distancing in the workplace to ensure employee safety. |
Oct-20 | 2 |
BTS | Data Breach Policy | This policy sets out the NIBTS commitment to ensuring data breaches are correctly identified, assessed, investigated and reported as required. It aims to reduce the impact of a data breach by ensuring staff are aware of their obligations and the actions that should be taken. | Sep-20 | 2 |
HSCB | Consultation on pharmacy fees for 2021-2022 (Global Fees) | There are essentially three elements of the community pharmacy financial envelope: global sum fees, non-global sum fees and allowed retained profit. The Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) is required to set the fees for community pharmacy services each year, following consultation. | Dec-20 | 2 |
HSCB | Northern Ireland Local Enhanced Service (NILES): Proactive GP care for nursing and residential homes | This NILES will combine elements of a number of current enhanced services to include medical care planning NILES, Key information summaries and a number of proactive care home local enhanced services. This will allow a regional NILES incorporating the core elements of these services for care home patients. | Dec-20 | 2 |
NIMDTA | Conflict, Bullying and Harassment Policy and Procedure | The document provides guidance to managers and employees in relation to Conflict, Bullying and Harassment and seeks to provide all staff, particularly those with management responsibility how to handle conflict, bullying and harassment issues in line with best practice and Employment Law and to create and maintain a safe, harmonious, positive and enabling working environment for all. | Dec-20 | 2 |
PHA | Implementation of the Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) as replacement test for the faecal occult blood (FOB) test in the Northern Ireland Bowel Cancer Screening Programme | The Northern Ireland Bowel Cancer Screening Programme aims to reduce mortality from bowel cancer by detecting cancers early in their progression so that they can be treated more effectively. The existing programme uses a card-based guaiac faecal occult blood test (gFOBT). In January 2016, the UK National Screening Committee recommended that quantitative faecal immunochemical testing (FIT) should be adopted by the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme as the primary screening test for bowel cancer. | Nov-20 | 2 |
Jan-March 2020-21
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
BSO | HSC CEC Education Code of Dress Policy (2020) | The objective of this policy will be attained by teaching staff wearing a CEC uniform during the delivery of education and clinical skills training programmes. The policy states its purpose is to provide a standard Code of Dress Policy for CEC teaching staff who deliver face to face clinical skills programmes via the classroom or practice simulation and to provide all teaching staff with the opportunity to wear a CEC uniform by choice when delivering non- clinical skills programmes. | Jan-21 | 2 |
BSO | HSC CEC Education Delivery Plan 2021/22 (Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Programmes) | The Clinical Education Centre (CEC) Delivery Plan (EDP) details nursing and midwifery programmes offered to Service Level Agreement (SLA) clients for the financial year 2021/22. | Mar-21 | 2 |
BSO | ITS Patient Portal | The regional rollout of the Patient Portal application to patients / clients living with a long-term health condition, which is a secure, user friendly, web-based tool designed for patients – and their registered carers – to manage their own patient record and communicate with their healthcare providers | Jan-21 | 2 |
BSO | Policy for Service User and Carer Representative Involvement within the HSC CEC | The policy outlines service user involvement in HSC CEC design and delivery of education programmes for nurses, midwives and AHPs reflective of health and social care policy. | Feb-21 | 2 |
BSO | Retire & Return Policy and Guidelines for Application | In a critical period, such as a pandemic situation, in which specialised skills are needed and are in short supply, it may be necessary to retain the service of former employees, for a limited period after their retirement, through a ‘Retire and Return’ scheme, without the need for a recruitment exercise. The policy provides guidelines and defines the process for applying the BSO Retire and Return Policy. | Feb-21 | 2
BSO | Voluntary Scheme for the Extra-Ordinary Payment of Unused Contractual Leave Entitlement | As a one-off extra-ordinary option, given the current pandemic, HSC organisations will offer payment for the balance of any contractual leave above the statutory minimum (i.e., above 5.6 weeks) that staff have been unable to use during the 2020/2021 financial year due to service pressures. | Feb-21 | 3 |
BTS | Behaviour of Staff Including when on Session | This policy aims to maintain the high standards of behaviour of the NIBTS employees. | Feb-21 | 2 |
BTS | Children Attending Blood Donation Sessions | NIBTS seeks to present a service to all members of the public – young and old alike – who feel welcomed and valued when visiting NIBTS premises and blood donor sessions. However, the use of some equipment e.g. needles/sharps, and associated equipment, and hot fluids e.g. tea/ coffee in refreshment areas can present hazards – particularly to children who may not be adequately supervised. The responsibility for the care and supervision of children at session will remain with the accompanying adult. | Feb-21 | 3 |
BTS | NIBTS Working from Home Policy | This policy is intended to provide guidance and good practice to enable employees to work from home effectively and safely. It is intended to assist both managers and employees in implementing working from home by highlighting areas for consideration and providing practical advice and information. | Feb-21 | 2 |
HSCB | Programme of Works-Replacement Light Fitting Scheme Phase 5, HSCB Western Office, Gransha Park House | To ensure that the existing lighting system in Gransha Park House is upgraded to meet the required LUX level of lighting for office accommodation | Mar-21 | 3 |
HSCB | Refurbishment of bathrooms (installation of sensor sink taps, toilet flush handles and sensor lighting), at HSCB Western Office, Gransha Park House | As COVID-19 measure | Mar-21 | 2 |
NIGALA | Complaints Policy
The complaints policy seeks to achieve an accessible and effective means of making complaints. It aims to promote an organisational culture that foster openness and transparency for the benefit of all. The procedure aims to provide ease of access, simplicity, and a supportive and open process which results in a prompt, and where possible, local resolution. | Jan-21 | 2 |
NIPEC | Annual Business Plan 2020-21 | NIPEC’s Annual Business Plan for 2020-21 details how it will make best use of its resources to achieve its strategic objectives, as set out in NIPEC’s Corporate Plan 2017-21. | Feb-21 | 3 |
NIPEC | Business Continuity Plan | NIPEC’s corporate Business Continuity Plan (BCP) provides the framework within which the organisation can continue to deliver an appropriate level of service to our service users in the event of any disruption. | Feb-21 | 2 |
NIPEC | Digital Capabilities Project | This document is responsible for the jurisdiction of the North of Ireland in terms of equality and human rights screening. It bears no responsibility for that attached to the Republic of Ireland | Mar-21 | 2 |
NIPEC | EU Exit Risk Assessment and Operation Readiness | The DoH has required all providers of HSC services to consider and plan for the risks that have the potential to rise due to EU exit. NIPEC continues with business continuity planning, taking DoH guidance into account, incorporating local risk assessments and will escalate any points of concern on specific issues where appropriate. | Feb-21 | 2 |
NIPEC | Implementation of Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Future Nurse Future Midwife Education Standards | The overarching aim of the Programme Board is to oversee arrangements to cohesively embed the outworking’s of the new NMC Future Nurse and Midwife pre-registration standards and the education Framework (Nursing & Midwifery). | Jan-21 | 2 |
NIPEC | Risk Management Strategy and Action Plan 2020-21 | The purpose of a Risk Management Strategy and associated annual Action Plan is to establish a consistent and integrated organisational approach to the management of risk. | Feb-21 | 2 |
PHA | Involvement Strategy for Protect Life 2 Commissioned Services | The aim of this strategy is to deliver effective processes to maximize the opportunity for stakeholders to engage and be more involved in planning future services in mental and emotional wellbeing, self-harm and suicide prevention, intervention and post-vention for which PHA have responsibility. | Jan-21 | 2 |
PHA | Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) | The aim of the RSE in the community programme is to improve the sexual health and well-being of young people aged 12-19 years across Northern Ireland by enabling them to make healthier choices. Programmes commissioned will target young people in community settings throughout Northern Ireland. | Jan-21 | 2 |
Apr-Jun 2019-20
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
BSO | Manual Handling Policy | To ensure compliance with the Manual Handling Operations Regulations (MHOR), showing that appropriate systems are in place, that the BSO monitors the effectiveness of the system and that appropriate changes are made following evaluation and review. | May-19 | 2 |
BSO | Policy for the Safeguarding, Movement and Transportation of Records, Files and Other Media
Policy for the Safeguarding, Movement and Transportation of Records, Files and Other Media |
To ensure that all BSO staff/contractors safeguard all information they are in possession of while travelling from one facility/location to another during the course of their working day which includes traveling to or from home. | May-19 | 2 |
BSO | Records Management Policy | To ensure that BSO adopts best practices in the management of its records so that authentic, reliable and useable records are created, which are capable of supporting business functions and activities for as long as they are required. | May-19 | 2 |
BTS | Conflict, Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace | This Policy defines the procedures staff can follow in order to give them an equal opportunity in managing work-based situations. This policy has been written taking into consideration legislation requirements and HSC Terms and Conditions. | May-19 | 2 |
HSCB | Closure of GP Branch Surgery at 267 Woodstock Road, Belfast | The aim is to close the branch surgery at 267 Woodstock Road, and to provide a full range of clinical services for all registered patients at the main surgery located at 120 Ormeau Road. | May-19 | 2 |
HSCB | Conflict, Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace
Screening Document |
The document provides guidance to managers and employees in relation to Conflict, Bullying and Harassment and seeks to provide all staff, particularly those with management responsibility how to handle conflict, bullying and harassment issues in line with best practice and Employment Law and to create and maintain a safe, harmonious, positive and enabling working environment for all. | May-19 | 2
(Click to view mitigation) |
HSCB | Provision of General Medical Services (GMS) to the patients of Dr Bissett's Medical Practice, Robert Henry Surgery, Comber following the resignation of Dr Bissett (Single handed GP) on 29th March 2019 | To ensure that the patients of Dr Bissett’s practice in Comber will have access to GMS services following the resignation of Dr Bissett with effect from the 30th June 2019. | Jun-19 | 2 |
HSCB | Provision of General Medical Services (GMS) to the patients of Dr Wylie's Medical Practice, Ballyowen Health Centre, following the resignation of Dr Wylie (Single handed GP) on 31st December 2018 | To ensure that the patients of Dr Wylie’s practice in Ballyowen Health Centre will have access to GMS services following the resignation of Dr Wylie with effect from the 30th June 2019. | Jun-19 | 2 |
NIPEC | PID Post Registration Masters Programme | This project will test the development, implementation and evaluation of a post registration rapid access two-year Graduate Masters in Nursing Rotational Programme to support the strategic transformational agenda presented in “Delivering Together 2026” | Jun-19 | 2 |
NIPEC | Financial Savings Plan 19-20 | The Department of Health (DoH) advised NIPEC in a letter dated the 28th March 2019 of its opening budget allocation for current expenditure in 2019-20. | Jun-19 | 3 |
PCC | Lone Working Policy | The purpose of this policy is to ensure that there are adequate systems in place to ensure the health, safety and welfare of lone workers i.e. a member of staff working alone, either on site or undertaking PCC duties within the community, in order to reduce the risks of lone working as far as is reasonably practicable. | Apr-19 | 2 |
PHA | Annual Business Plan 2019-20 | The Public Health Agency (PHA) Annual Business Plan 2019-2020 details how we will make best use of our resources to achieve our core goals, as set out in our Corporate Plan 2017-2021. | Jun-19 | 2 |
SBNI | Keeping Children and Young People Safe Online: an e-Safety Strategy and Three Year Action Plan for Northern Ireland 2019-2022 | To ensure that all children and young people can make the best use of the educational, social and economic benefits of the online world, while having the skills to protect themselves from potential risks. | Apr-19 | 2 |
Jul-Sep 2019-20
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
BSO | BSO Business Plan 2019-20 Screening Document |
The BSO Corporate Plan 2018-21 sets out the strategic context in which the organisation operates, along with Mission, Values and Strategic Objectives/Aims and Outcomes for this three year period. The supporting Annual Business Plan outlines Key Priorities, Actions and Targets for the year ahead. The corporate BSO Business Plan 2019-20 represents Year Two of the BSO Corporate Plan 2018-21. | Sep-19 | 2 |
BSO | Employee 25 Years Service Award | BSO recognises the vital contribution that staff play in delivering the organisation’s objectives and would want to consider initiatives that support a culture of appreciation. Awarding staff an additional week’s leave on completion of 25 years’ NHS/HSC service, is one opportunity to acknowledge their contribution over a long period of time. It is therefore proposed that staff who have reached 25 years’ service, will receive a one – off award of an additional week’s annual leave. This award reflects existing arrangements in some of the Trusts | Aug-19 | 3 |
BSO | Risk Management Strategy | The purpose of the risk management strategy and policy statement is to establish a consistent and integrated approach to the management of risk throughout the BSO. The document also sets out the risk management action plan for 2019/20. | Jul-19 | 2 |
HSCB | Advocacy Service for Deaf Adults Screening Document |
The objective of this procurement is to secure a Provider that will deliver a regional advocacy service for deaf adults, specifically to improve how they access and benefit from Health and Social Care services across Northern Ireland | Sep-19 | 2
(Click to view mitigation) |
HSCB | Local Enhanced Service: Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse in primary Care the Iris Solution (Identification and Referral To Improve Safety) | The aims of the local enhanced serve are:
1. to raise awareness about domestic and sexual violence and abuse amongst GPs and practice staff 2. To provide education and support for GPs in relation to domestic violence and sexual violence and abuse. 3. To ensure GPs are aware of pathways in place for victims (women and men) |
Sep-19 | 2 |
HSCB | Primary Care Surgical Service Pathway | This document provides detail on the Primary Care Surgical pathway which will safely manage a range of routine minor surgical procedures in a primary care setting thus reducing the requirement to refer to secondary care |
Aug-19 | 2 |
NIGALA | Adverse Incident Policy | The aim of this policy is to set out NIGALA's commitment to ensuring an effective approach to the reporting, investigating, learning lessons, implementing and sustaining change as a result of investigations findings and analysis of incidents in ore to provide safe, high quality care to our clients and a safe environment for our staff and members of the public. NIGALA will actively promote a culture in which errors can be reported and analysed openly, and in which the reporting or 'near miss' is actively encouraged. | Jul-19 | 3 |
NIGALA | Attendance at Work Policy | The purpose of this policy is to set out how absence will be dealt with in a fair, consistent and proactive manner by providing clear and effective guidelines on the management and monitoring of absenteeism. This policy (and its associated procedure) also focuses on supporting managers and employees during periods of absence by providing a clear framework for progress. | Sep-19 | 2 |
NIGALA | Conflict Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace | The document provides guidance to managers and employees in relation to Conflict, Bullying and Harassment, and seeks to provide all staff, particularly those with responsibility how to handle conflict, bullying and harassment issues in line with best practice and employment law and to create and maintain a safe and harmonious, positive and enabling working environment for all. | Sep-19 | 2 |
NIGALA | Equality of Opportunity | The aim of this policy is to communicate the commitment of the Chief Executive, Board and Senior Management Team to the promotion of equality of opportunity in and by the NIGALA. | Jul-19 | 2 |
NIGALA | Environmental Management Policy | The NIGALA aims to ensure that its core business activities are aligned with its commitment to reducing the environmental impact | Jul-19 | 3 |
NIGALA | Gender Identity and Expression Employment Policy | The policy is aimed at creating a workplace where the dignity of and respect for transgender and non-binary people is protected and promoted. | Jul-19 | 2 |
NIGALA | Whistleblowing Model Policy | NIGALA recognises that many issues are raised by staff and addressed immediately by line managers – this is very much encouraged. This policy and procedure is aimed at those issues and concerns which are not resolved, require help to get resolved or are about serious underlying concerns. | Sep-19 | 2 |
NIGALA | Workplace Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy | The purpose of this policy is to make clear to all staff the NIGALA's position on alcohol substance abuse while at work and the action to be taken if such circumstances arise. | Jul-19 | 3 |
NIGALA | Zero Tolerance Policy | NIGALA is committed to the creation of a culture and environment where employees, Agency Workers and Self-Employed Guardians may undertake their duties without fear of abuse or violence. The policy outlines the definitions of Zero Tolerance, including non-physical abuse, physical abuse and anti-social behaviour. | Sep-19 | 2 |
NIPEC | Annual Business Plan 2019-20 | NIPEC’s Annual Business Plan for 2019-20 details how it will make best use of its resources to achieve its strategic objectives, as set out in NIPEC’s Corporate Plan 2017-21. | Aug-19 | 2 |
NIPEC | Engagement and Communications Strategy | The strategy outlines how NIPEC will communicate, engage, involve and collaborate in partnership with its stakeholders with the aim of supporting the improvement of standards of practice, education and professional development of nurses and midwives. | Aug-19 | 2 |
NIPEC | Policy on Validation and Monitoring of Professional Registration | This policy will ensure that NIPEC has processes in place to validate and monitor staff required to be registered with the NMC in order to commence, and continue in to work in, a regulated post, and NIPEC Professional Council members in order they can remain on NIPEC Council. | Aug-19 | 2 |
NIPEC | Transforming Nursing and Midwifery Data | The aim of the project is: To support the transformation of practice and support the nursing and midwifery professions to lead and implement transformational change relating to data capture and preparedness for digital recording keeping. | Apr-19 | 2 |
PHA | Farm Family Health Check Programme (FFHCP) | Farm Families is a joint programme between PHA & Department for Environment, Agriculture & Rural Affairs (DAERA) that provides an accessible health check programme specifically targeting farmers their families. | Aug-19 | 2 |
RQIA | Conflict Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace | The document provides guidance to managers and employees in relation to Conflict, Bullying and Harassment and seeks to provide all staff, particularly those with management responsibility how to handle conflict, bullying and harassment issues in line with best practice and Employment Law and to create and maintain a safe, harmonious, positive and enabling working environment for all. | Jun-19 | 2 |
Oct-Dec 2019-20
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
BSO | Adverse Weather Protocol | This Protocol will apply to all current staff and it is intended that the Protocol will be implemented with immediate effect as we enter into the winter period. It is anticipated that the application of the Adverse Weather Protocol will have the potential to be applied more often during the winter months. | Nov-19 | 3 |
BTS | Sample Referral to Reference Laboratory | These documents outline the appropriate referral of samples from hospital blood banks to the Reference Laboratory at NIBTS. The policy describes the importance of performing preliminary tests within hospital blood banks prior to referral. | Oct-19 | 3 |
BTS | Upper Age Limits for Blood Donation | Upper age limits for blood and component donation have traditionally been set to protect the donor's safety. Regular and returning donors (as defined in the Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee Donor Selection Guidelines) may be allowed to donate beyond their 66th birthday with permission of a physician in the Blood Establishment, given annually. This policy sets out the JPAC UK Donor Selection Guidelines (UK DSGs) which are followed by NIBTS. | Oct-19 | 2 |
HSCB | Quality Standards for Paediatric Audiology Services | To adopt and implement quality standards for paediatric audiology services in NI. | Nov-19 | 2 |
HSCB | Employee 25 Years' Service Award | HSCB recognises the vital contribution that staff play in delivering the organisation's objectives and would want to consider initiative that support a culture of appreciation. Awarding staff an additional week's leave on completion of 25 years' NHS/HSC service, is one opportunity to acknowledge their contribution over a long period of time. It is therefore proposed that staff who have reached 25 years' service, will receive one - off award of an additional week's annual leave. This award reflects existing arrangements in some of the trusts. | Dec-19 | 3 |
HSCB | Relationships, Sexuality and Dementia-Operational Guidance | This Guidance is being developed to support staff to deliver a more person-centred service to people with a dementia, their partners, carers and families. It is important therefore that staff feel confident to address the issue of relationships and sexuality in a supportive and timely manner. | Dec-19 | 2 |
NIMDTA | Applying for a Dental Foundation Training Number | This policy has been written to ensure a consistent approach for the application, management and decision process regarding applications for a dental foundation training number. | Apr-19 | 2 |
NIMDTA | Data Quality Policy | This policy is concerned with ensuring that the data collected and recorded by NIMDTA is of high quality and is reliable. | Oct-19 | 3 |
NIMDTA | Records Management Disposal Schedule | This document outlines the retention periods for records held by the Northern Ireland Medical & Dental Training Agency and the processes for reviewing and disposing of records. | Oct-19 | 3 |
NIMDTA | Records Management Policy | This policy applies to all full time and part-time employees of NIMDTA, contracted and third parties (including agency staff) and other staff on placement with NIMDTA. NIMDTA holds records in relation to its staff, doctors and dentists in training, and in relation to its various functions. | Oct-19 | 3 |
NIMDTA | Records Management Strategy | The Records Management Strategy aims to set out clearly NIMDTA’s approach to Records Management and will provide the framework for developing good records management in accordance with ‘Good Management, Good Records’ and the HSC Controls Assurance Standard. | Oct-19 | 3 |
NIPEC | Conflict, Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace Policy/Procedure | The document provides guidance to managers and employees in relation to Conflict, Bullying and Harassment and seeks to provide all staff, particularly those with management responsibility how to handle conflict, bullying and harassment issues in line with best practice and Employment Law and to create and maintain a safe, harmonious, positive and enabling working environment for all. | Oct-19 | 2 |
PHA | Expansion of Northern Ireland Newborn Blood Spot Programme | The Northern Ireland Newborn Blood Spot Programme (NBSP) offers all newborn babies (aged up to 364 days old) a blood spot screening test to identify if they are at increased risk of rare, but serious, inherited conditions. The aim of the programme is to improve the outcomes for babies born with one of these conditions, by achieving early diagnosis and treatment. The aim is to expand the existing NBSP testing to include screening for maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), homocystinuria (HCU), glutaric aciduria type 1 (GA1) and isovaleric acidemia (IVA), in line with national Newborn Blood Spot Screening Programme Standards and Guidance. | Nov-19 | 2 |
PHA | Diabetes Prevention Programme Northern Ireland
Screening Document |
This new service will offer patients identified in primary care a preventative service in all five Trusts across NI. | Dec-19 | 2
(Click to view mitigation) |
RQIA | Records Management Policy | The document provides requirements that must be met for the records of the RQIA to be considered as a proper record of the activity of the Authority, including the provision of health and social services by or on behalf of the RQIA. | Dec-19 | 3 |
Jan-Mar 2019-20
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
BSO | Accessible Formats Policy | The policy sets out the standards that can be expected from us when we provide information, ensuring its accessibility for those with particular needs. The associated guidance provides practical advice to staff on how to make information accessible. | Dec-19 | 2 |
BTS | Equipment and Medical Device Management | This Policy aims to ensure that equipment/medical devices purchased by NIBTS are of an appropriate standard. | Mar-20 | 3 |
HSCB | HSCB Policy on the Management of Complaints | The HSCB Policy on the Management of Complaints, sets out how the HSCB should deal with complaints raised by service users or former service users. It outlines for staff a consistent procedure on how complaints relating to the HSCB, its actions and decisions are to be handled. | Feb-20 | 2 |
NIPEC | 25 Years Length of Service Award | NIPEC recognises the vital contribution that staff play in delivering the organisation's objectives and would want to consider initiatives that support a culture of appreciation. Awarding staff an additional week's leave on completion of 25 years' NHS/HSC service, is one opportunity to acknowledge their contribution over a long period of time. It is therefore proposed that staff who have reached 25 years' service, will receive a one - off award of an additional week's annual leave. This award reflects existing arrangements in some of the trusts. | Jan-20 | 2 |
NIPEC | Information Governance | This Policy will ensure that our information and data is of the highest quality in relation to being accurate and easily accessible, relevant, understandable and complete, and assist and inform our staff of the best practice for holding, using and transferring information both internally and externally. | Jan-20 | 3 |
NIPEC | Quality Improvement Strategy | The Quality Improvement (QI) Strategy outlines NIPEC plans for the coming years to support the ongoing development of staff and engagement with its stakeholders in quality improvement approaches and activities. | Jan-20 | 2 |
NIPEC | PID Career Pathway for Neurology Nursing | To develop a career for Nursing roles including those of Nursing Assistants working in Neurology services in Northern Ireland. | Mar-20 | 2 |
NIPEC | PID Career Pathway for Stroke Nursing | Development of a Career Pathway for Registered Nursing roles and Nursing Assistants working in Adult Stroke Nursing Services in NI, which will be aligned to the UK development of a Career Pathway for Stroke Nursing. | Mar-20 | 2 |
PCC | Accessibility and Quality of Continence Services | The Patient and Client Council will carry out a 2 year project to seek and report on the views of current users of adult continence services. Report findings will be shared with service delivery organisations. | Mar-20 | 2 |
SBNI | Safeguarding Board Northern Ireland (SBNI) Early Intervention Transformation Programme (EITP) Trauma Informed Practice Workforce Development Project | The EITP Trauma Informed Practice Project is a multi-agency work-force development project, concerned with increasing awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), through offering a menu of trauma sensitive/ informed training materials. The project will work throughout and in collaboration with the following sectors, Education, Health and Social Care, Justice and Community and Voluntary Organisations. | Jan-20 | 2 |
Apr-Jun 2018-19
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
NIPEC | Financial Savings Plan | The DHSSPS advised NIPEC in a letter dated the 30th March 2018 of its opening budget financial revenue (RRL) allocation for current expenditure in 2018-19. Due to the significant financial challenges for the DHSSPS in 2018-19 the letter informed NIPEC that it would be receiving a Revenue Resource Limit for 2018-19 of £1,178,194 This represented a reduction of 1% (£12,000) from the opening resource revenue limit for 2017-18. | Apr-18 | 2 |
HSCB | Disability Action Plan 2013-2019 - updated April 2018 | The plan sets out what we will do to promote positive attitudes towards disabled people and to encourage participation by disabled people in public life. | Apr-18 | 2 |
PHA | Disability Action Plan 2013-2019 - updated April 2018
Screening Document |
The plan sets out what we will do to promote positive attitudes towards disabled people and to encourage participation by disabled people in public life. | Apr-18 | 2
(Click to view mitigation) |
HSCB | Regional Dementia Care Pathway | Promote standardised best practice throughout the dementia journey by addressing the five key elements of the pathway which are: promoting healthy active ageing and Improved public awareness and understanding of dementia, ensuring timely and accurate diagnosis of dementia, helping people to live well with dementia, providing specialist supports to cope with the changes as dementia progresses and providing high quality end of life care. | Mar-18 | 2 |
HSCB | NI Local Enhanced Service: End of Life Care GP Early Identification Prototype
NI Local Enhanced Service: End of Life Care GP Early Identification Prototype |
To ensure that patients potentially reaching end of life are identified quickly and appropriate support is put in place. | May-18 | 2 |
SBNI | Final Equality and Disability Action Plans | In line with our commitments under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 , the Equality Action Plan identifies a number of key actions to promote equality. The Disability Action Plan under our disability duties outlines some key actions that we are going to deliver upon to make a difference to people with disabilities. | Jun-18 | 2 |
NIPEC | Gender Identity and Expression Employment Policy | The policy is aimed at creating a workplace where the dignity of and respect for transgender and non-binary people is protected and promoted. | Apr-18 | 2 |
PHA | Annual Business Plan 2018-19 | The Public Health Agency (PHA) Annual Business Plan 2018-2019 details how we will make best use of our resources to achieve our core goals, as set out in our Corporate Plan 2017-2021. This plan focuses on significant new initiatives for 2018-19. | Apr-18 | 3 |
Jul-Sep 2018-19
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
NISCC | Business Plan 2018-19 | NISCC develops a business plan each year, ensuring it keeps focused on the outcomes set out in the four-year corporate plan. The Business Plan for 18-19 is the second of four business plans which will be developed in support of NISCCS overarching four-year plan. | Jul-18 | 2 |
BSO | Consent Guidance | This guidance is being introduced to assist researchers in the field of health and social care to produce documents to help in the process of obtaining consent from people who participate in research projects being run in Northern Ireland. | Aug-18 | 2 |
PHA | Rural Needs Policy | To assist PHA staff understand their statutory responsibilities under the Rural Needs Act, and to provide guidance on undertaking a proportionate Rural Needs Impact Assessment as a mechanism for ensuring rural needs are appropriately taken into account. | Jul-18 | 3 |
NIMDTA | Contracts Management Policy | The purpose of this policy is to provide those responsible for the day to day management of goods, works or services contracts with guidance on contract management procedures. | Aug-18 | 2 |
BSO | Infected Blood Scheme | As administrator the BSO will implement and manage ex gratia payments and discretionary financial support for people infected with the hepatitis C virus and/or HIV from treatment with NHS blood, blood products or tissue in Northern Ireland. | Sep-18 | 2 |
HSCB | Enhanced Access and Healthcare for Homeless Patients | The overall objective of this proposal is to pilot an inclusion health and social care hub model and enhanced primary care access for people experiencing homelessness. | Sep-18 | 2 |
BTS | Gender Identity and Expression Employment Policy | The policy is aimed at creating a workplace where the dignity of and respect for transgender and non-binary people is protected and promoted. | Jul-18 | 2
NIMDTA | Travel and Expenses Policy
Screening Document |
This policy is to clarify the arrangements for the reimbursement of expenses incurred by NIMDTA staff in the course of their duties, in line with principals of good financial governance. | Sep-18 | 2
(Click to view mitigation) |
BSO | Harassment Policy and Procedure | The document provides guidance to managers and employees in relation to harassment including the roles and responsibilities of all parties. The document is designed to ensure consistency of approach across BSO. | Sep-18 | 2 |
BTS | Working Time Regulations | The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that staff and managers comply with the Working Time Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1998 (as amended 2016) (WTR). The Regulations are designed to protect the health and safety of workers by providing them with rights such as daily and weekly working time limits. In line with this the policy details the regulations guidance on secondary employment and working in excess of 48hrs over a 17-week period. | Sep-18 | 3 |
NIPEC | Records Management Policy | The aim of this policy is to ensure the quality of NIPEC’s records; to maintain, retain or dispose of these records in accordance with NIPEC’s need and legislative requirements and to ensure the permanent preservation of appropriately identified records. | Jul-18 | 3 |
NIPEC | Travel Arrangements | This procedure covers travel arrangements for official business for both requesting and subsequently booking the arrangements when approval has been granted. | Sep-18 | 2 |
Oct-Dec 2018-19
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
BSO | BSO Business Plan | The Annual Business Plan outlines Key Priorities, Actions and Targets for the year ahead. | Oct-18 | 2 |
BSO | BSO Corporate Plan | The Corporate Plan 2018-21 sets out the strategic context in which the organisation operates, along with Mission, Values and Strategic Objectives/Aims and Outcomes for this three-year period. | Oct-18 | 2 |
BSO | HSC Recruitment and Selection | This framework seeks to provide consistency across HSC organisations in a streamlined process recognised as the HSC branded approach but with flexibility to allow each organisation to best suit its particular needs. | May-18 | 3 |
BSO | Research on Adults Lacking Capacity Studies | To give procedural and practical advice to Health and Social Care Research Ethics Committee members and researchers based in Northern Ireland on inclusion of adults lacking capacity (unable to consent for themselves) in non-Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal products, i.e. research which does not involve drug trials. | Dec-18 | 2 |
BTS | NIBTS Policy on Dress and Presentation on session/public facing duties Screening Document |
In order to maintain the highest standards of personal appearance and hygiene and to uphold the reputation of the Service, guidelines on presentation and dress are detailed; this includes aspects of what to wear and guidelines for appearance.
The ease of identification of registered nursing staff for the public has also been considered. |
Jun-18 | 2 |
BTS | Platelet Strategy | This strategy document sets out the demand for platelet components up until 31 March 2022 and sets out the proportion of apheresis component donations and pooled platelets. | Dec-18 | 2 |
HSCB | Proposal to temporarily transfer regional provision of perinatal paediatric pathology service from Belfast HSC Trust to Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust. | The aim of this proposal to temporarily transfer regional provision of perinatal paediatric pathology service from Belfast HSC Trust to Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust. | Nov-18 | 2 |
HSCB | Provision of General Medical Services (GMS) to the patients of Dr Semple's Medical Practice, Comber Health Centre, following the resignation of Dr Semple (Single handed GP) on 31st October 2018 | To ensure that the patients of Dr Semple's practice in Comber Health Centre will have access to GMS services following the resignation of Dr Semple with effect from the 31st October 2018. | Oct-18 | 2 |
PHA | Development and delivery of Crisis De-Escalation service to be piloted in the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust Area | The overall intention of this proposal is to develop an out-of-hours facility and service in Belfast which might be a first step towards a 24 hour service which functions as a safe place for individuals and families and enables effective de-escalation support over a period of hours following presentation to Emergency Department or to a select group of community and voluntary sector providers. | Oct-18 | 2 |
PHA | "Expansion of Community Development Approaches" Framework (Report to Transformation Implementation Group) Year 1 Recommendations 2018/19 | The Community Development Workstream is tasked to set a clear direction and expand community development approaches to reducing health inequalities in Northern Ireland. Its' remit was to assess current progress and make recommendations for how community development practice could be strengthened in the future. | Oct-18 | 2 |
PHA | Whistleblowing Policy | This policy and procedure is aimed at those issues and concerns which are not resolved, require help to get resolved or are about serious underlying concerns. | Aug-18 | 2 |
RQIA | Family Pack | The document provides guidance to managers and employees in relation to family leave arrangements including the roles and responsibilities of all parties. The document is designed to ensure consistency of approach across BSO. | Nov-18 | 2 |
RQIA | Leave Pack | The document provides guidance to managers and employees in relation to leave arrangements including the roles and responsibilities of all parties. The document is designed to ensure consistency of approach across RQIA. | Nov-18 | 2 |
Jan-Mar 2018-19
Org | Policy/Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Date | *Screening Decision |
BSO | CCTV Policy | This suite of policies is intended to:
Mar-19 | 3 |
BSO | Clinical Coding Policy | The policy sets out the high-level regional requirements for clinical coding to ensure compliance with standards, accuracy and consistency of information produced during the clinical coding process. | Mar-19 | 2 |
BSO | Conflict, Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace Policy and Procedure
Conflict, Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace Policy and Procedure |
The document provides guidance to managers and employees in relation to Conflict, Bullying and Harassment and seeks to provide all staff, particularly those with management responsibility how to handle conflict, bullying and harassment issues in line with best practice and Employment Law and to create and maintain a safe, harmonious, positive and enabling working environment for all. | Mar-19 | 2 |
BSO | Estates Policy | This policy is intended to ensure that the Business Services Organisation meets its obligations in relation to Estates Management and relevant standards as set down by The Department of Health/ Legislation. | Feb-19 | 3 |
BSO | Northern Ireland Picture Archiving and Communication System | The NIPACS+ Programme is a programme of work to replace the current NIPACS Imaging Solution that is in place across HSC. The hope is that we will also replace the Royal Victoria Hospital and Belfast City Hospital Imaging Systems as well as bringing in imaging from other medical specialties so that all imaging associated with a particular patient is available in one place. | Feb-19 | 2 |
BSO | Security Policy | This policy is intended to ensure that the Business Services Organisation meets its obligations under the Health & Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978 to ensure staff work in a safe and secure environment and adherence to relevant standards as set down by The Department of Health. | Feb-19 | 3 |
BTS | Clinical Appraisal and Revalidation Policy and Procedure MP:024 | This policy and procedure set out the arrangements for appraisal of medical staff and requirements of General Medical Council revalidation. | Mar-19 | 3 |
BTS | Policy on Importation of Blood Components from outside Northern Ireland MP:021 | This policy sets out the arrangements for the importation of blood components from other Blood Services. | Mar-19 | 3 |
BTS | Laboratory Training and Competency Policy (LP006) | The policy is in addition to the Corporate Training Policy and sets out in more detail the requirements pertaining to NIBTS laboratories for induction, training and competency assessment including additional requirements to meet the clinical laboratory standards for pre and post registration training of Biomedical Scientists as determined by the Institute of Biomedical Science. | Jan-19 | 2
(Click to view mitigation) |
HSCB | Belfast Dermatology Pathway | This Investment Proposal Template provides detail on the Dermatology pathway which will safely manage a range of routine dermatological conditions in a primary care setting thus reducing the requirement to refer to secondary care. | Feb-19 | 2 |
HSCB | Belfast Gynae Pathway | This Investment Proposal Template provides detail on the Gynaecology pathway which will safely manage a range of routine gynaecological conditions (Coil fitting, Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives) in a primary care setting thus reducing the requirement to refer to secondary care. | Feb-19 | 2 |
HSCB | Belfast Musculoskeletal Pain Pathway | This Investment Proposal Template provides detail on the Musculoskeletal (MSK)/Pain pathway which will safely manage a range of routine MSK conditions in a primary care setting thus reducing the requirement to refer to secondary care. | Feb-19 | 2 |
HSCB | Provision of General Medical Services (GMS) to the patients of Dr. Gilmore's Medical Practice, Balmoral Health Centre, following the resignation of Dr Gilmore (Single handed GP) on 31st December 2018. | To ensure that the patients of Dr Gilmore’s practice in Balmoral Health Centre will have access to GMS services following the resignation of Dr Gilmore with effect from the 31st December 2018. | Jan-19 | 2 |
HSCB | Reform of Northern Ireland Certification of Visual Impairment (CVI) processes | The aim of this piece of work was to improve the processes and systems for the certification of visual impairment in Northern Ireland. | Mar-19 | 2 |
HSCB | Regional GP Led Vasectomy Service | This Investment Template will develop GP led Vasectomy training programme in primary care to better manage patient journeys and avoid secondary care demand. | Feb-19 | 2 |
NIPEC | Development of a Career Pathway for District Nursing Services | In 2018, on behalf of the Chief Nursing Officer, NIPEC co-produced a Career Framework for Specialist Nursing to support all nurses working in Specialist roles in Northern Ireland. As part of this work it was intended that competencies and a job description would be developed for District Nurses through identifying specific core educational requirements supported by an Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) recordable Specialist Practice Qualification. It was agreed that this should be completed within a career pathway for all key roles within the District Nursing Service. | Feb-19 | 2 |
NIPEC | Respiratory Competence Assessment Tool (R-CAT) 3-year Review Plan | The aim of this plan is to ‘review the Respiratory Competence Assessment Tool (R-CAT) against current best practice, standards and guidelines for respiratory care within Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) management and care, to identify areas that require amendment and to make recommendations for changes to the original publication’. | Feb-19 | 2 |
PHA | Procurement of Community Garden Project | The Procurement of Community Gardens Project has been set up to improve Health and Wellbeing, particularly for those who are currently or who are at risk of experiencing poor Health and Wellbeing outcomes and encompasses 2 Models and objectives for each model. | Jan-19 | 2 |