13 November 2023

In preparation for International Fraud Awareness Week this week, BSO Counter Fraud Services (CFS) have produced information and resources to assist managers in their counter fraud responsibilities. CFS intend to highlight the important role which managers have within HSC in the prevention and detection of fraud.
Managers have an important role in safeguarding HSC resources. This includes having measures in place to prevent and detect fraud, being aware of fraud risks and knowing the actions to take where fraud is suspected.
To assist managers with their counter fraud responsibilities CFS have produced a short video highlighting the key areas of fraud risk that managers should be aware of.
Managing The Fraud Risk : Your Role As A Manager
CFS has also produced a series of fraud prevention guides focusing on specific areas of fraud risk. Each guide provides a summary of the fraud risk, a case example and the preventative measures that should be considered to help minimise the risk.
The purpose of the guides is to reduce the vulnerability to fraud in these key areas of risk, by helping HSC organisations to embed control measures and implement preventative action.
Managers can access these resources as a bite size module on the LearnHSCNI website via the link below.
LearnHSCNI – Managing The Fraud Risk : Your role as a manager